Teaching today's children to be tomorrow's leadersPlan of Work
Grant County CES
Teaching today's children to be tomorrow's leaders
Engaging Community Youth
Agents Involved:
Ammerman, Conkwright, Veach
Volunteer Development
Civic Engagement
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Discussions with local stakeholders and recent community survey identified youth activites that develop and promote core competences needed in life and that education was needed to further those core competences in all areas.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Students acquire and educate others life skills
Intermediate Outcomes:
Students apply acquired skills to enhance personal well being
Initial Outcomes:
Students learn basic life skills and are capable of responding in general and emergency situations.
Initial Outcome: Students learn basic life skills
Indicator: Students attend and learn basic life skills
Method:end of meeting questionaires and observations
Timeline: year round
Intermediate Outcome: Students apply acquired skills
Indicator: Students are faced with decisions in life and apply knowledge gained to make better informed decisons
Method: followup questionaires and personal testimonies
Timeline:year round
Long-term Outcome: Students acquire and educate others life skills
Indicator: former students return to programs to educate others
Method: observations
Timeline: year round
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Country Ham
Content or Curriculum: UK Food Science
Inputs: hams, house, socks papers and volunteers
Date: Jan - Aug 2023
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Babysitting Clinic
Content or Curriculum: 4H Babysitting and Red Cross First Aid/CPR
Inputs: volunteers
Date: Summer 2023
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Project Nights
Content or Curriculum: varies by project
Inputs: volunteers and supplies by project
Date: spring and summer 2023
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4H Camp and Agents
Inputs: kids, camp staff and volunteers
Date: Summer 2023
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: Environmental Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4H Camp Staff, kids and volunteers
Date: Spring 2023
Audience: 4H Youth
Project or Activity: 4H Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: varies by project
Inputs: volunteers and supplies by project
Date: year round
Success Stories
Paving the Way for Future Showman
Author: Ari Veach
Major Program: Agriculture
This year at the Grant County fair we had 5 out of 7 participants brand new to the Show of Showman. The Show of Showman is an opportunity for youth to earn a spot by being the best showman in their species. They then will go on and represent that species overall to determine the BEST showman that year by showing each animal (beef cattle, dairy cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, rabbits, and poultry). Our Show of Showman starts off by having a small clinic for our youth to learn a little about showing e
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Leadership Bootcamp
Author: Ari Veach
Major Program: Leadership

The Kentucky 4-H leadership program provides opportunities for youth to grow their leadership skills in a safe and welcoming environment. Youth are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and experience new things. Our goal is to help youth gain the leadership skills they will use for life. One opportunity youth have to gain necessary skills is 4-H Leadership Boot Camp. This year the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Boot Camp was held February 2nd and 3rd at Lake Cumberland 4-H Camp. This two-d
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Taking the Capitol
Author: Ari Veach
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
In a 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, one in four youth were unable to name the three branches of government. In addition, in July 2018 the Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 158.141 stated a student must pass a civics test at a rate of 60% or higher, composed of 100 questions to graduate from a public high school with a regular diploma. To address this need, Kentucky 4-H Capitol Experience was est
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment