Enhancing Production through Sustainable Agriculture and Marketing StrategiesPlan of Work
Christian County CES
Enhancing Production through Sustainable Agriculture and Marketing Strategies
Advancing Marketing, Production, and Management Skills
Agents Involved:
Tiffany Bolinger, Kelly Jackson, Matt Futrell, Jeremiah Johnson, Mary Anne Garnett
Horticulture, Commercial
Christian County, Kentucky, although increasingly urban with town centers of Hopkinsville and Oak Grove, still is mostly a farming community (75% of the county land is farms). There are 1,137 farm operations in the county and top traditional commodities including grain, corn, soybeans, poultry and eggs, and cattle generate sales over $205 million. Although a smaller segment of production agriculture, our vegetable growers who farm 644 acres generate $2.5 million of the total sales. Within Kentucky, Christian County ranks number one in the state for all crop sales combined and specifically ranks first in grains and tobacco (Christian County ranks 9th for tobacco in the U.S.), fourth in dairy, second in vegetables, and fifth in both fruit and floriculture. Though a smaller segment, many small farms also rely on cattle with more than 26,000 head in the county.
According to the 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Report for Christian County, key issues recorded by survey respondents included needs for more sustainability for family farms, more support for Kentucky agriculture and agribusiness, more profitable farms, more opportunties for crop and livestock production, and more market opportunities for farmers in general.
The needs will face challenges including severe economic distress (high inputs, low commodity prices, high land rent, flooded machinery market) especially for grain crop production. Also as livestock margins tighten, management strategies that enhance forage productivity, utilization and persistence along with efforts to optimize animal performance must be taught to improve long-term viability of forage-based livestock systems. The number of farms and acres for commercial horticulture continues to grow spurred by consumer preference for affordable, local fresh food. Therefore it is important that educational efforts focus on improving the efficiency of production while reaching new growers and new commodities. With this comes the need to educate growers on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) during production and sampling in order to reduce risks associated with pathogen contamination.
(Source: 2017 Census of Agriculture)
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Increased sales/profits, reduced expenses and reduced risks
- Maintain access to local foods
- Increase variety of local foods
- Enhance profit margins for livestock producers
- Improve sustainability of forage-based livestock systems
- Increase percentage of producers implementing managed grazing practices
- Greater adoption of improved/alternative forages for livestock
- Improved forage stands due to proper establishment practices
- Improved soil health and reduced erosion
- Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
- Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area
- Improve sustainability of intensively managed crop production systems
- Significant percentage of producers implementing IPM practices
- Increase positive opinion of GMO/Conventional production of non-farm individuals
* Youth will engage in entrepreneurial enterprise
* Youth will gain and maintain employment resulting from life skill development through 4-H
* Youth will be advocates for agriculture and healthy and sustainable food systems
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Improve management strategies that reduce labor and/or improve yield and fruit quality
- Increase number of producers participating in local food systems (i.e., farm to school, farm to table).
- Growers adopt at least one Ag Water Quality BMP for grazing livestock
- Implement routine soil sampling and follow soil fertility recommendations
- Use diagnostic services to identify pasture weeds
- Increased implementation of temporary fencing for managed grazing
- Develop a grazing plan
- Learn to properly calibrate and use a no-till seeder
- Increased openness to try alternative/improved forages for grazing/forage production
- Implementation of on-farm demonstrations
- Adopt usage of new technology for crop production
- Maximize awareness of GMO/Organic Production
- Use diagnostic services to identify insects, disease and weeds
- Adopt one or more fertility management recommendations.
* Youth will practice and apply skills and knowledge in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences
* Youth will adopt and practice skills that contribute to employability
* Youth can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others
* Youth will set a goal and accomplish it
* Youth can influence the purchase of Kentucky Proud products
* Youth can practice entrepreneurship skills related to agriculture and food systems
Initial Outcomes:
- Growers increase knowledge about crop diversification; growing practices to extend season; integrated pest management; different testing and diagnostic services to improve management and production; record keeping and financial management and available resources to assist with marketing products and developing market access
- Awareness of current land grant research concerning grazing management
- Awareness of forage variety trial information
- Understanding how to fill forage gaps with alternative forage species
- Enhance knowledge of grazing management practices for all grazing species
- Awareness of forage harvest, storage and feeding management to reduce losses
- Understanding pasture renovation and forage establishment practices
- Introductory level understanding of pasture ecology
- Identify opportunities for improving wildlife habitat with selected forages
- Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production
- Identification of IPM practices for grain crops production
- Increase understanding of production regulations
- Understanding BioTech traits
- Understanding importance of and frame work of on-farm trials
- Understanding of Organic vs Conventional crop production
- Increase non-farm public understanding of BioTechnology/Organic/ Conventional grains crop production
- Identify active ingredients in crop related ag products
- Identify herbicide resistant pests and strategies to overcome these pests
* Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences
* Youth will gain an understanding of healthy and sustainable food systems
* Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, communications, record-keeping, leadership and service
Initial Outcome: Adopt post harvest and food handling knowledge.
Indicator: Participants will adopt state Produce Best Practices Training standards for food/crop production and handling regulations when offering samples. Farmers meeting the USDA Food Safety requirements will complete training and/or on-farm readiness reviews.
Method: Retrospective survey following PBPT or FSMA training
Timeline: Year Round
Initial Outcome: Increase knowledge of produce, and ornamental production and marketing.
Indicator: 50% of participants will indicate knowledge increase.
Method: Retrospective survey following production meetings
Timeline: Year-round
Intermediate Outcome: Evaluate the number of vendors who sell at local farmers markets and the wholesale auction, as well as direct to consumer markets.
Indicator: The number of vendors and profitability will increase.
Method: Observation and market records
Timeline: Fall 2022
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the production of food and fiber in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences.
Indicator: The number of youth who demonstrate a skill that was learned and improved by participating in a 4-H/ANR project, program, event or activity.
Method: Club meetings, Programs, Events ,and Activities
Timeline: Program year 2022-2023
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Producers and consumers
Project or Activity: Food Safety and Certification for Sampling; FSMA training; On-Farm Readiness reviews
Content or Curriculum: PBPT Training; Produce Safety Alliance curriculum
Inputs: Extension Horticulture and Agriculture Natural Resources Agents; Extension Specialists; Kentucky Department of Agriculture; Kentucky Cabinet for Health; Downtown Renaissance; Funding (County Funds, State, Local Funds); UK publications
Date: As requested
Audience: Farmers Market Growers, Ag producers
Project or Activity: Fruit, Vegetable, and Ornamental Production classes, Woodland Owner's short course, Grain/Tobacco Production meetings, Private applicator trainings, Commodity Group Updates.
Content or Curriculum: Supplied by agents and specialists
Inputs: Extension Horticulture and Agriculture Natural Resources Agents; Extension Specialists (i.e., John Strang, Rachal Rudolph, Emily Pfeufer, Rick Bessin, Andy Bailey, Chad Lee, Ray Smith, Tim Woods, etc); Kentucky Department of Agriculture; Funding (County Funds, State, Local Funds); Fairview Education Committee; Fairview Produce Auction; UK publications
Date: year-round, 2022/2023
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Ag, Livestock, Horse Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Beef, Sheep, Swine Selection Evaluation, Horse Achievement
Inputs: Agents, Specialist, Travel
Date: Program year 2022-2023
Audience: Christian County First Graders
Project or Activity: Farm Days
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Farm 2 School
Inputs: Agents,Specialist, Farm & Demonstration Materials
Date: Spring 2023
Success Stories
Writing Our Future
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Writing Our Future Through many discussions with the Ag Business leaders in Christian County it was determined there is a great need for lender education in the Ag sector. Today the majority of Americans are at least three generations removed from the farm. That tells us that the average person walking down the street knows very little about farming, agriculture, or food production. The Ag leaders in Christian County decided that we must take the time to educate our lender
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Cowman's Kind Bull Sale
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Beef

The KY-TN Cowman’s Kind Bull sale was held March 4th, 2023. The McLean County Ag Agent, the Christian County Ag Agent KY-TN Livestock Market and a UK Beef Specialist spear headed an effort to provide smaller purebred beef producers with an opportunity to sell their animals in a larger sale than just selling private treaty off the farm. These bulls had to meet certain qualifications: vaccinated for IBR, PI3, BVD, BRSV, vibriosis and Leptospirosis: dewormed with 90 days of sale: tested negat
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New Market for Cut Flowers
Author: Kelly Jackson
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
While most of the local educational efforts extended to growers focus on produce and greenhouse production of bedding plants, in recent years there has been increased interest in wholesale cut flower sales specifically among the plain clothes growers. To address production standards the Cooperative Extension Service in Christian County partnered with a local cut flower grower to offer two classes on production specifically targeting the plains clothes community. Topics included basic plants for
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Tobacco GAP ensures quality products and consumer confidence
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Tobacco

Tobacco GAP ensures quality products and consumer confidenceThe tobacco industry has been under a lot of scrutiny over the past twenty years. Concerns of major health effects and a link to known carcinogens has lead the tobacco industry to take measures that will boost consumer confidence in the products that they are purchasing.One such measure is the tobacco Good Agriculture Practices program. Tobacco companies, producers, the cooperative extension service, and GAP Connections have
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Supporting Migrant families
Author: Matthew Futrell
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - ANR

Supporting Migrant FamiliesAs the unemployment rate across the nation continues to fall it has proven more and more difficult to find farm workers to perform hand task. Many producers have turned to the H2A migrant worker program to fill the need for on-farm labor. Through this program producers are able to hire seasonal migrant workers to perform task that they are unable to find local employees for.Not too many years ago the predominate language on any farm in the United States was
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment