2022 4-H Developing Community Leaders Plan of Work
Calloway County CES
2022 4-H Developing Community Leaders
Leadership Development, Engaged Communities
Agents Involved:
Calyn Colston
Volunteer Development
Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Communications and Expressive Arts
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. Every community needs people interested in its welfare and productivity. The youth of Calloway County is its future.
Encouraging the development of life-long abilities and skills in a young person can help them later in life. Developing leadership skills at a young age will encourage involvement later in life. There is power in youth participating in the decisions that affect them.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-4-H participants are productive citizens.
-Participants are active in community or civic organizations.
-Youth become active volunteers.
-Volunteers carry their leadership skills over into other roles in the community.
-Leaders will be recognized and appreciated for their contributions.
By providing leadership education to youth and adults, community members will be more confident and trained to become involved in the community. Trained community members will take active roles in community organizations and committees, and address local issues. Community members will improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, and interpersonal skills, as well as get better acquainted with the community and its members.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-4-H youth assume leadership roles in clubs.
-4-H youth receive recognition from 4-H Honors Program.
-Volunteers teach 4-H project subject matter.
-Volunteers are recruiting new volunteers.
-4-H youth help market the 4-H program.
-Volunteers will take on leadership roles outside their clubs.
-Volunteers will be trained and conduct programs at a county-wide level
-Volunteers will take a more active role in program planning based on needs of the community
-Volunteers will take more of an approach to participating in state level programs.
-Ag Development Council set policy and guidelines regarding Phase 1 Master Settlement Program
Initial Outcomes:
- 4-H Volunteers increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership efforts.
-Youth learn basic parliamentary procedures.
-Youth gain awareness of the importance of good communication skills.
-4-H Teens become involved in a variety of learning opportunities.
-Volunteers learn of leadership opportunities.
-4-H volunteers set goals for the 4-H program.
-New volunteers for 4-H identified
-Volunteers will take advantage of leadership opportunities within their clubs
-Volunteers will learn to manage conflict
-Leaders will gain confidence in their leadership skills
-Service learning activities become regularly planned activities for each project club
The number of youth and adults attending meetings of community organizations and committees will increase. Community members will learn skills to improve their self-esteem, self-confidence, decision making, team building, and conflict resolution. Community members will enhance their leadership and communication skills. Through various training and programming, community members will gain the knowledge and skills to become an involved community member.
Long-Term Outcome: Leaders capable of teaching workshops/programs without assistance of agents
Indicator: 5 new volunteers taking on new roles
Method: Observation of leadership roles, interviews
Timeline: Throughout each program year
Intermediate Outcome: Youth use communication skills in leadership roles
Indicator: Club officers show improvement in ability to conduct club meetings
Method: Observation of officers at club meetings
Timeline: September - May each year
Initial Outcome: Teen Club formed in the county and planning service projects
Indicator: Number of teens attending meetings/activities at county, district and state level
Method: Enrollment forms, attendance rosters, registration forms
Timeline: August - June each year
Initial Outcome: Community Leadership Roles
Indicator: Number of parents involved in the 4-H Council. Number of youth and adult participants accepting leadership roles in the community. Participants use gained knowledge; participants address community-related issues.
Method: Evaluations, interviews with leaders
Timeline: All Year
Initial Outcome: Communication and Leadership Skills
Indicator: Increase in number of youth participating in leadership programs/roles.
Method: Interviews, pre and post test
Timeline: All Year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H members, other primary, secondary youth
Project or Activity: 4-H projects in Foods, Baking, Sewing, Quilting, Knitting, other project as leaders available
Content or Curriculum: all curriculum areas covered for particular clubs
Inputs: program assistants, volunteers, agents
Date(s) Annually
Audience: Adult & teen volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H council meetings - project activities - fundraising
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum,
Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, training opportunities
Date: Fall - Spring each year
Audience: Teen volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H camp training curriculum
Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, training opportunities
Date: Spring - Summer
Audience: Adult & Teen volunteers
Project or Activity: Certified volunteer training
Content or Curriculum: For livestock, and sewing club
Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, training opportunities
Date: Fall - Spring each year
Audience: Teens
Project or Activity: Teen club
Content or Curriculum: County/District/State teen activities
Inputs: curriculum, volunteers, conferences, workshops, Teen Conference
Date: Throughout each program year
Audience: Adult & Teen volunteers
Activity: 4-H Volunteer Development
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Volunteer Development Curriculum
Date: All Year
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Club Officer Training
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Club Development Curriculum
Date: Sept/Oct, when new clubs are developed
Audience: Adult & Teen volunteers
Activity: 4-H Volunteer Certification
Content or Curriculum: all curriculum areas covered for particular clubs
Date: Spring & Fall
Success Stories
Reality Store 2022
Author: Calyn Colston
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

In March 2022, Calloway County 4-H hosted a Reality Store financial simulation event for the Murray City and Calloway County 7th and 10th graders. The goal of the event was to increase youth financial awareness and provide them tools to make great life and financial decisions. Each of the four school FRYSC coordinators partnered with Calloway 4-H planning the event and 72 community volunteers from many different businesses and community programs worked the booths. Over the two day event, 317 sev
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Bale Buddies Philanthropy Event
Author: Calyn Colston
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health – 4-H Youth Development

The Alpha Upsilon chapter of Sigma Alpha Professional Agricultural Sorority, of Murray State University, hosts their annual Bale Buddies philanthropy event every year in the spring. 2023 is the second year the Calloway County Extension Office has participated. The proceeds from participating in this event are donated to Bright Life Farms in Princeton, KY. Bright Life Farms is a nonprofit organization that provides housing and learning opportunities for mentally or developmentally challenged adul
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Juntos Family Night
Author: Calyn Colston
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development

2.8% of Calloway County is of Hispanic or Latino descent. Many Hispanic youth in Calloway County come from farming and roofing families, and only see themselves going into one of those trades after graduating high school. Some of these youth do not speak English as their first language, and most parents of these youth also do not speak English as their first language. This can make successfully graduating from high school difficult for our Hispanic and Latino youth. To assist our Hispanic y
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4th Grade Agriculture Career Day
Author: Calyn Colston
Major Program: Agriculture
Calloway County parents and school systems believe it is important to start educating our youth about career options at an early age. For this reason, the Calloway County Family Resource Youth Coordinator for two of our elementary schools partner with the Area Technology Center to coordinate a 4th Grade Career Day each year. Calloway 4-H was invited to present on one of the career industries and since there are almost 800 families in Calloway County farm in some capacity, we chose to educat
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment