Improve leadership skills, strengthen volunteerism, & promote community and economic development.Plan of Work
Hickman County CES
Improve leadership skills, strengthen volunteerism, & promote community and economic development.
Empowering Leaders and Strengthening Community
Agents Involved:
Melissa Goodman, Paula McCuiston, ANR
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Economic Development
Community Strategic Planning
Community Engagement
Economic, social, political, and technological advances in society create a higher demand for people to demonstrate more effective leadership and volunteer skills. Leadership skills, including, communication, managing, decision-making, listening, self-motivation, and understanding-self, etc., are essential. In 2018 over 77.34 million people volunteered their time. The proportion of the population who volunteered in America in 2018 was 30.3 percent. These volunteers service was worth an estimated $167 billion in economic value (Independent Sector). In order for Cooperative Extension to reach Hickman County, leadership skills must be developed in youth and adults to multiply efforts. A focus of Extension will be to build a volunteer base and increase leadership skills.
Hickman County has had a high turnover of small businesses in recent years and many businesses have left. We have many commuter employees. Our unemployment rate was 5% in 2019 which is 1% higher than the KY rate. Our clientele feels it is important for Cooperative Extension to address and facilitate community and economic development, especially in the areas of bringing the community together, leadership development, civic pride, and communication of like-minded organizations.
According to the 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment, Hickman County community members feel it is important to raise up more qualified leaders to prepare the community for the future, involve more citizens in helping solve local issues and improve on the cooperation between community organizations. In regards to jobs and infrastructure, clientele feels that creating more jobs with good wages and benefits, gaining access to affordable, reliable high-speed internet service, and improved responsiveness of emergency services is imperative.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Extension Homemaker organization will become a sustainable volunteer organization in the county.
4-H participants will become contributing members of society.
Phase I Ag Development Council will utilize funds for the betterment of the community as a whole.
The clientele will serve as leaders of other organizations, thus enabling them to identify and address critical issues that directly affect the citizens of the community.
Council members will utilize the leadership skills obtained in the county to provide leadership in Extension organizations in the district, region, state, and nation.
Hickman County would be a sustainable community that thrives together.
Residents will understand the importance of supporting local businesses and organizations.
Residents will work together to create a better Hickman County.
Organizations will accomplish more through collaboration and cooperation.
Arts and Local Tourism as well as the Farmers Market will become viable entities of the community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth and Teens will practice leadership through volunteer opportunities & community service.
Adults will practice leadership through increased volunteerism and taking on leadership roles.
Program councils will become more involved in program planning and leadership of Extension Programming.
Quilt Square Tourism will be marketed by Hickman County residents and businesses.
Participants broaden participation in community service and community events.
Businesses and Community Members will engage and utilize strategic planning.
Hickman County Clientele will internalize civic pride.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will gain an understanding of leadership styles
Participants will acquire decision making skills
Participants understand importance in diversity
Participants learn importance in volunteerism
Participants aspire to increase involvement in leadership roles.
Participants gain knowledge in leadership and communication skills.
Program Council members/CEC will aspire to active participation.
Clientele will increase knowledge of community events and assets through marketing.
Organizational Leaders will increase knowledge and skills for collaboration.
Business and Community Leaders will gain positive opinion and aspirations for strategic planning.
Intermediate Outcome: Youth & teens will take on leadership roles
Indicator: Participants are serving as leaders in the community
Method: Observing, participation, follow-up surveys
Timeline: 2021-2022 Program Year
Intermediate Outcome: Extension Homemakers will take on leadership roles
Indicator: Participation and Roles filled
Method: Observation, participation, follow-up surveys
Timeline: 2021-2022 Program Year
Intermediate: Participants will increase knowledge of leadership skills
Indicator: Knowledge of leadership skills
Method: Pre/Post Assessment
Timeline: 2021-2022Program Year
Intermediate Outcome: Increased Communication Among Organizations in Hickman County
Indicator: Positive Correlations of questions on a survey
Method: Survey and Word of Mouth
Timeline: Spring 2022
Initial Outcome: Participation in Western KY Quilt Trail
Indicator: Number with Quilt Sq. on Barn/Business
Method: Survey
Timeline: Program Year 2021-2022
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Youth Entrepreneurship w/DIY Club
Content or Curriculum: Be the “E”, Agent provided curriculum
Inputs: Extension Agents
Date: 2021-2022 school year
Audience: Youth, Adults Families
Project or Activity: Spring Chicken Festival
Content or Curriculum: Community Involvement, CEDIK Resources: Tourism
Inputs: Chamber of Commerce, Volunteers/Collaborators, Agents
Date: Spring Annually
Audience: Community and Small Businesses
Project or Activity: Shop Local Campaign
Content or Curriculum: Agent Provided
Inputs: Chamber of Commerce, Local Businesses
Date: Program Year 2021-22
Audience: Teens and Adults
Project or Activity: Work Ready Soft Skills and Workforce Prep Workshop
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Career Exploration, Workforce Readiness Curriculum, Positive Employability
Inputs: Workforce Development Board, Extension Staff, County Gov't, Hickman County HS
Date: Spring 2022
Audience: High School Freshmen
Project or Activity: Chamber Youth Leadership Program
Content or Curriculum: YELP, KELD, CEDIK Resources, FCS Empowering Leaders Resources, Community Strategic Planning
Inputs: Chamber of Commerce, Extension, Community Education, High School, Local Businesses and Gov't
Date: Program year 2021-2022
Audience: General Population
Project or Activity: Hickman County Quilt Trail
Content or Curriculum: KY Arts Council
Inputs: KY Arts Council, Hickman County Arts Council, GRRO, Tourism Resources
Date: Program year 2021-2022
Audience: General Population and Extension Homemakers
Project or Activity: Hickman County Extension Homemakers
Content or Curriculum: KEHA, FCS Material
Inputs: KEHA, FCS
Date: Program Year 2021-2022
Audience: Youth / Community Members
Project or Activity: Community Service Day
Content or Curriculum: The Leader in Me, Unlock Your Leadership Potential
Inputs: Extension Staff, Family Resource Coordinator, Community Education Director, School Faculty, Master Gardeners, Library, Community Volunteers
Date: Fall 2021 / Spring 2022
Success Stories
Leaders of Today and Tomorrow- Chamber Youth Leadership Orientation
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
Hickman County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences, Clinton- Hickman County Chamber of Commerce, and Hickman County Schools have partnered to establish a foundation for the cultivation and growth of inspired local leaders and empowered future workforce. A portion of the foundation is the Chamber Youth Leadership Program which is beginning the eleventh year in Hickman County. In order to meet the demands and challenges of this century, our community desires to develop the leadership and soft s
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Holiday Market Days provide opportunity for local makers to flourish
Author: Melissa Goodman
Major Program: Advancing the Creative Economy

After the 2020 & 2021 cancellation of the long-standing indoor Hickman County Arts, Crafts, and Book Fair, many local artisans, makers, and food businesses were at a loss for a venue to sell their goods locally. The extension agent for FCS solicited support from the Fiscal Court and the Chamber of Commerce to host a Holiday Market Days outdoors at the Hickman County Farmers Market. This idea was met with renewed excitement, new and existing vendors, and a great crowd of local shoppers.
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment