Agricultural PracticesPlan of Work
Henderson County CES
Agricultural Practices
Agricultural and Science Needs
Agents Involved:
Smith, Rideout
Integrated Pest Management
There are many agricultural commodities in Henderson County. In 2014, Henderson County was in the top grain producing counties in the state, and has been for many years. Grain crop production is facing a downward pressure with severe economic distress (high inputs, low commodity prices, high land rent, flooded machinery market) for the foreseeable future. Cattle production in Henderson County is another major area of production. There are over 40,000 beef cattle producers in Kentucky and over one million head of beef cows. Kentucky is the eighth largest beef state in the U.S. and has the largest herd east of the Mississippi River; Kentucky ranks third for beef cattle density (cows per square mile) in the US. Cash receipts for beef cattle in Kentucky are approaching a billion dollars and may reach that level in 2014 with record high beef prices. Even with high prices it is important to educate beef producers on best management practices to: keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal welfare. These educational programs are targeted to assist our local Agriculture and Natural Resource agents to provide Kentucky beef producers with the tools necessary to be profitable and sustainable.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area
Improve sustainability of intensively managed crop production systems
Significant percentage of producers implementing IPM practices
Increase positive opinion of GMO/Conventional production of non-farm individuals
Intermediate Outcomes:
Adopt usage of new technology for crop production
Maximize awareness of GMO/Organic Production
Use diagnostic services to identify insects, disease and weeds
Adopt one or more fertility management recommendations
Implementation of on-farm trials
Develop Agricultural Leadership
Initial Outcomes:
Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production
Identification of IPM practices for grain crops production
Increase understanding of production regulations
Understanding BioTech traits
Understanding importance of and frame work of on-farm trials
Understanding of Organic vs Conventional crop production
Increase non-farm public understanding of BioTechnology/Organic/ Conventional grains crop production
Identify active ingredients in crop related ag products
Identify herbicide resistant pests and strategies to overcome these pests
Initial Outcome: Understanding more about agricultural related topics
Indicator: Deeper understanding about various agriculture practices
Method: Survey
Timeline: Winter 2021
Intermediate Outcome: Adopt use of practices learned, use of UK's services, implement on-farm trials
Indicator: Behavior change
Method: Demonstration
Timeline: Spring 2021
Long-term Outcome: Maximize profits while minimizing environmental impact, increased positive opinion of GMOs
Indicator: Producer Testimonials, citizens indicate positive outlook on farming practices
Method: survey throughout county
Timeline: Spring 2022
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farm Managers and/or Owners
Project or Activity: Hay Day
Content or Curriculum: KDA hay testing day, pasture renovations, weed control
Inputs: Extension Agent, Extension Specialists, Farmers, Land Owners, KDA
Date: July 2022
Audience: Farm Workers, Farm Managers, Ag Retailers, Certified Crop Advisors, Agronomists, Master Gardeners, Industry Representatives
Project or Activity: Pesticide Applicator Training
Content or Curriculum: Video, Hands-On Demonstrations, Teaching
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Ag Businesses
Date: Feb 2021 , July 2022
Audience: Henderson County People
Project or Activity: Media
Content or Curriculum: weekly radio show, weekly newspaper column, social media, newsletters
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Ag Businesses
Date: Weekly
Audience: Beef Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Certified Preconditioned for Health (CPH-45)
Content of Curriculum: Information, CPH45 Sale
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association, Kentucky Beef Network and the Kentucky Dept. of Ag
Date: August, December, February, April
Audience: Beef Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Cow College
Content or Curriculum: Program materials, Extension publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists
Date: Summer 2022
Audience: Grain producers
Project or Activity: Henderson Grain Day
Content or Curriculum: grain hauling decision tool, pesticide certification, farm data collection
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Ag businesses
Date: January 2022
Audience: Farmers using chemicals
Project or Activity: Chemical Jug Rinse and Return Day, Resistant Weed Technology
Content or Curriculum: water quality handout
Inputs: Extension Agent, KDA, Ag businesses
Date: September 2021
Audience: farmers with soil fertility needs
Project or Activity: fertility conference
Content or Curriculum: soil test procedures, starter fertilizers, row width data
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Ag businesses
Date: November 2021
Audience: Henderson Co Residents
Project or Activity: solar project
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists and community partners
Date: Fall 2021
Audience: Grain farmers
Project or Activity: Grain storage workshop, maximizing planter technology
Content or Curriculum: Grain storage tool, new research in storage, harvest loss tool, research data
Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists
Date: August 2021
Success Stories
4-H Country Ham Project during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Major Program: Agriculture
When the Kentucky 4-H Country Ham Project started in 1990 there were less than 40 youth participating. Today there are over 750 4-H’ers from 65 counties involved in the project. Youth gain valuable skills from participation in the Country Ham Project, including, learning the process of research, communication and organizational skills, and they also gain valuable technical merit. Traditionally, participants are responsible for curing two hams and are required to give a sp
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Country Ham Program: State Fair Success
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Major Program: Agriculture
“The practice of curing country hams dates back centuries, long before modern storage methods were available. …people kept their food from spoiling by packing it in a mixture of salt and other spices, and stored it for an extended period… Modern technology allows for other ways of preserving food, the way country hams are cured now is very much the same as it was long ago” Kentucky Farm Bureau News March 2018.When the Kentucky 4-H Country Ham Project started in 199
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Pesticide Applicator Training
Author: Paul Andrew Rideout
Major Program: Horticulture, Commercial
Pesticide application safety Commercial pesticide application has many risks; both to the public and to the applicator. Legal risks are also a major concern to enterprises engaged in applying control products as well as environmental concerns with improperly used or over used pesticides.Holding a commercial applicator's license requires continuing education or retesting on a three year cycle. Although CEUs can be obtained from attending numerous trainings across the state, travel costs
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Challenge Me 4-H- Special Education Livestock Show
Author: Ella Fourqurean
Major Program: Agriculture

In special education, animal-assisted intervention (AAI) is used to assist individuals with autism spectrum disorder in their learning development bringing improvement in social interaction and affection to other people. This was a goal when the program, "Challenge Me 4-H", was in its first planning stages. Challenge Me 4-H was originally thought of and planned out by a 4-H member in Trigg County. This program included special education students from Trigg County High School, Agricultu
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment