Health, Nutrition, and WellnessPlan of Work
Harrison County CES
Health, Nutrition, and Wellness
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Shannon Farrell, Jessica Barnes, Jessica Sayre
Faithful Families
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Some Harrison County residents, like many Kentuckians, have issues of overweight, obesity, poor diet, and/or lack of physical activity. Obese and overweight individuals are at increased risk for chronic health conditions including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some cancers. Harrison County’s death rate from cardiovascular disease is higher than that of Kentucky. Although fast food is higher in fat and calories than home prepared meals, more than one third of meals are eaten away from home whereby fewer fruits and vegetables are included in meals. Families are not preparing or eating meals at home often due to overscheduling for parents and children. Families are experiencing less interactions as a family unit and youth are not benefiting from learning to cook at home.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Reduce chronic diseases, risk, debilitation and premature death by practicing healthy lifestyle choices. Community to be healthier, live longer, and have better quality of life. Health care dollars spent on preventative activities, less expenditures on hospital and office visits. More home prepared nutritious meals eaten together as a family. More locally grown produce grown and consumed.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Individuals will manage a healthy weight throughout the life cycle through healthy lifestyle choices. Families and individuals will make wise food choices, have healthier diet. Families and individuals have preventative health screenings, require less hospitalizations and medical visits. Families participate in physical activity walking and exercise programs.
Initial Outcomes:
Individuals will change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skill and attitudes needed to make healthy lifestyle choices. Individuals will attend meetings, workshops and trainings. Individuals will have preventative health care screenings. Individuals will change diet and lifestyle to reflect knowledge gained.
Initial Outcome: Individuals will become aware of and educated on healthy lifestyle choices and take positive actions based on new knowledge.
Indicator: Individual will attend meetings and workshops, participate in health care screening, and make healthier food choices.
Method: Meeting/Workshop sign in sheets, personal acknowledgement of experience and impact of changes made.
Timeline: 1-3 months
Intermediate Outcome:Individual will maintain and management knowledge gained as part of initial outcome. Notable changes may begin to occur such as, a personal sense of improved well-being emotionally, physically and mentally. Family members may notice change and become influenced to make changes.
Indicator: Individual may not require certain medications any longer. Individual may require less medical care/doctor or hospital visits. Individual will become consistently physically active or exercise more frequently.
Method: Personal acknowledgement of impact of experience; possible decline in need to seek medical attention and declaration of family participation in healthy choice selections.
Timeline: Three months and throughout lifespan
Long-term Outcome: Individual will continue to commit to healthy lifestyle choices, recognize the benefits of those choices and educate and encourage others on the benefits of making healthy choices.
Indicator: Individual will acknowledge emotional, physical and mental change due to practicing healthy lifestyle choices. Individual will acknowledge stronger sense of empowerment in decision making and in encouraging and supporting a positive environment for living.
Method: Personal acknowledgement of progressive and positive personal change.
Timeline: Throughout lifespan.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Community Adult and Children's Health Fairs
Content or Curriculum: Preventative Education and screenings
Inputs: Harrison County Health Department
Date: Jan-Apr
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Preventative Health Screening, Awareness, Education and Participation in Ovarian Cancer, Mammogram, PAP, PSA, and other cancer and heart screening.
Content or Curriculum: Wise decision making, Resource Management, Preventative Health Care
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, Harrison County Health Department
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Strengthen Community Coalitions or Partnerships to address obesity, physical inability and chronic diseases. Cancer Coalition, Diabetes Coalition, Go Red Committee
Content or Curriculum: Preventative Health Education, workshops, demonstrations, classes, Blue Hydrangea Ovarian Cancer Awareness. Teas, Community Education Programs, Women’s Health Issues, HIM (Healthy Informed Men)
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, Harrison Memorial Hospital, Harrison County Health Department
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Maintain appropriate calorie balance to manage healthy weight throughout the life cycle through healthy lifestyle choices, Weight Control, Obesity
Content or Curriculum: Weight Management Reduction, Increase Daily Physical Activity
Inputs: Harrison County Health Department, Harrison Memorial Hospital, UK Extension Specialists
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Develop nutrition messages and programs to allow individuals make informed decisions regarding healthy lifestyle choices through Food, Nutrition and Health Classes
Content or Curriculum: Dietary Guidelines, Healthy Diet, Increased fruit and vegetable consumption, lower sodium, fat and sugar, portion control
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists
Date: All Year
Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: Extension Homemaker Lessons regarding healthy lifestyle choices throughout the life cycle.
Content or Curriculum: Wellness and Healthy Lifestyle, Physical Activity, and Nutrition & Diet.
Inputs: Homemakers, UK Extension Specialists
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Food Stamp Eligible Audience Nutrition and Health Education
Content or Curriculum: Content or Curriculum: Limited resource audience material from SNAP-Ed, LEAP, HEEL Youth and adult Newsletters, Farmer's Market, WIC and Seniors Food Program.
Inputs: SNAP-Ed Assistant; Farmer's Market members, Senior Citizens Center, Harrison County Health Department
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Increase Promotion and Practice of daily physical activity. Improve better environment to promote physical activity.
Content or Curriculum: Second Sunday, 5K, Little Feet, Big Feet, Longest Day of Play
Inputs: SNAP-Ed Assistant; Harrison Memorial Hospital, volunteers
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Healthy Aging
Content or Curriculum: Food Nutrition and Health Classes
Inputs: Cooperative Extension;UK Extension Specialists
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Increase Diabetes Awareness. Risk and reduce chronic diseases, classes
Content or Curriculum: Diabetes Alert Day Awareness, Dinner and Speaker, Eye Screenings, Taking Ownership of Diabetes
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, Harrison County Health Department, Harrison Memorial Hospital
Date: All Year
Audience: Public
Project or Activity: Home Food Preservation, Food Safety
Content or Curriculum: Preventative education, Safe and proper food handling training, news articles, radio: HEEL Youth Newsletter included in 4-H Newsletters
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists
Date: All Year
Audience: Community Members
Project or Activity: Farmer's Market
Content or Curriculum: Marketing, WIC and Senior Certificates
Inputs: Senior Citizens Center; Harrison County Health Department, KDA
Date: May-Oct
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: 4-H Food & Nutrition Projects
Content or Curriculum: Skill acquired
Inputs: UK Extension Specialists, 4-H volunteers
Date: March-June
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or activity: 4-H School Clubs & Project Meetings & Enrichment Groups
Content or Curriculum: Skills acquired
Inputs: 4-H volunteers, UK Extension Specialists
Date: March-June
Success Stories
Charcuterie & Summer Sausage Workshop
Author: Jessica Barnes
Major Program: Swine
Harrison County ANR & FCS agents are teaming up with the Bourbon County ANR & FCS agents to put on a Charcuterie Board & Summer Sausage Workshop for clientele in both counties. Charcuterie boards are a new and unique way to display healthy snacking choices for events and get togethers that we are hoping to teach to our clientele for them to utilize for upcoming gatherings. We will also be teaching the art of making summer sausage along with a how-to on using a smoker as a low fat met
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The Art of Charcuterie and Tradition of Summer Sausage Making
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Arts and Community Health

Art and healthy eating come together through innovative charcuterie boards which have become very popular across the state. Harrison County residents indicated interests in exploring their creativity, learning new food display techniques, and understanding foods well suited for a charcuterie board showcase. Additionally, discovering the history of smoking summer sausage while applying traditional techniques with present day technology has piqued interests from community residents. Harrison and B
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Preserving History through Nutrition and Heritage
Author: Shelley Meyer
Major Program: Food Preparation and Preservation

The Red 1949 Cookbook is a Harrison County, Kentucky cookbook printed in 1949 featuring recipes from Harrison County Homemakers. Numerous requests were received to replicate copies of the cookbook due to a resurfaced interest in seeking the history found throughout its pages. After much research and digging, a copy was located and replicated. This new 2022 reprint consists of the original cookbook with zero changes made to the pages or ads included. The recipes belonged to homemakers that now ma
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment