Production AgriculturePlan of Work
Caldwell County CES
Production Agriculture
Advancing Sustainable Crop Production Systems Big and Small
Agents Involved:
Shane Bogle, Rhonda Jewell, Ashley Board
Horticulture, Commercial
Change is a constant in everything but it especially rings true for production agriculture. The last couple of years have seen a grain production profits reduced. As commodity prices have lowered sharply in the last few years even producers that were prepared and have felt the crunch. Lease rates are still slow to follow this downward trend as landowners have grown accustomed to being paid more for their ground. Specialty crops such as hemp and hort crops are a more common sight. Many tobacco producers that have transitioned away from tobacco are still looking for ways to replace that income. A flurry of high tunnel greenhouses have started in Caldwell County helping with this and participation in the Caldwell On-line and traditional farmers market. Phase I and USDA state cost shares have helped this along.
Long-Term Outcomes:
*Producers will improve quality of life by increasing revenue in production agriculture.
*Producers will implement environmentally safe practices for pesticide and fertilizer applications.
*Producers will utilize rinse and return programs to improve the environment.
*Producers will gain a better understanding of grain marketing and futures contracts.
*Producers will explore new crop opportunities.
*Youth will engage in community projects related to natural resource conservation.
*Build a new permanent farmers market.
Intermediate Outcomes:
*Producers will implement policy changes learned at educational meetings.
*Producers will understand the opportunity to produce alternate crops.
*Youth will make decisions in their daily lives that positively impact natural resources.
*Youth will adopt practices to conserve and protect the environment in their home and community.
Initial Outcomes:
*Producers will utilize up-to-date decision making information concerning the field of production agriculture
*Producers will utilize the tools to make important production decisions concerning economics and safe agronomic practices and adoption of new crop enterprises.
*Youth will identify the natural resources that are used within their home and community.
*Youth will develop an interest in environmental sciences and sustainable practices and technologies.
Initial Outcome: Producers will utilize up-to-date decision making information concerning the field of production agriculture.
Indicator: number of producers reporting using up-to-date decision making information
Method: observation, farm visits, success stories
Timeline: ongoing
Intermediate Outcome: Producers will implement policy changes learned at educational meetings
Indicator: number of policy changes implemented by producers
Method: observation, farm visits, success stories
Timeline: ongoing
Long-term Outcome: Producers will improve quality of life by increasing revenue in production agriculture
Indicator: number of producers reporting increased revenue
Method: observation, farm visits, success stories
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community Leaders, Producers
Project or Activity: Farm to Table program
Content or Curriculum: Hometown Harvest
Inputs: Community, Farmers Market, Extension, Donors
Date: Summer 2022
Audience: Producers
Project or Activity: Rinse and Return Program
Content or Curriculum: KDA
Inputs: KDA, Extension
Date: August 2021
Audience: Producers, General Public
Project or Activity:Pesticide Applicator Training
Content or Curriculum: PAT-1
Inputs: Agent
Date: Fall, Winter
Audience: Producers, Lenders
Project or Activity: County grain meeting
Content or Curriculum: UK specialists
Inputs: Agent, specialist
Date: Winter each year
Audience: Producers, Lenders ect.
Project or Activity: Tobacco production update
Content or Curriculum: UK/UT Specialist
Inputs: Agent specialists
Date: Winter each year
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Production meeting/PBPT training
Content or Curriculum: UK/KDA / Public Health
Inputs: Agent, KDA, UK, Public Health
Date: Spring each year
Audience: Students in Caldwell County Schools
Project or Activity: Trash Sculpture
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs: Youth, Agent, CCS Natural Resources Curriculum
Date: November 2021
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Farm, Food, and Fitness
Content or Curriculum: My Plate
Inputs:County Extension Agents
Date: Summer 2022
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Jr. Sr. Forestry Field Day
Content or Curriculum: University of Kentucky Forestry Dept.
Inputs: Agents, UK Forestry Department, KY Division of Forestry, Land Bewteen the Lakes
Date: Fall 2021 and Spring 2022
Audience: Caldwell County Elementary 3rd grade students
Project or Activity:Food For America
Content or Curriculum: Caldwell County FFA, local farmers, Ag related businesses
Inputs: Agents, community, farmers,
Date: Fall 2021
Audience: Caldwell County Teens
Project or Activity: State Forestry Contest
Content or Curriculum: National Forestry Contest
Inputs: Agents, UK Forestry Department, Bernheim National Forest
Date: April 2022
Success Stories
Quality not Quantity in Forage Production
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Forages
Oregon State University defines Forage Quality as; “The capacity of a forage to supply animal nutrient requirements. It includes the acceptability of the forage, the chemical composition, and the digestibility of the nutrients.” Achieving good forage quality is dictated by growth rate, profit and loss, variety selection and many other factors. Caldwell County has over 8,000 acres of forages utilized for stored feed in any given year. The Caldwell/Lyon Cattlemen&rsqu
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Rinse and Return = Environmental Stewardship
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Chemical Management
Environmentally fiscal producers make a conscience effort to protect our valuable resources when they recycle pesticide containers. Thanks to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture’s (KDA) Rinse and Return Program, the vast sinkhole and cave riddled topography of Caldwell County no longer contain a stockpile of discarded pesticide jugs. KDA has helped coordinate container collection days and contracted recycling services to counties across the state for over 25 years. The
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Beef Quality Care and Assurance
Author: Shane Bogle
Major Program: Beef
Kentucky remains the largest beef producing state east of the Mississippi River. With that title comes a greater responsibility to insure profitability and sustainability to the Kentucky beef industry. In cooperation with the Caldwell/Lyon Cattlemen’s Association, Caldwell County Cooperative Extension hosted two Beef Quality Care and Assurance (BQCA) certifications for Caldwell County producers. BQCA is a national training course developed by USDA and the beef industry t
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment