Livestock, Poultry, & Crops Plan of Work
Clinton County CES
Livestock, Poultry, & Crops
Promoting Commodities & Crop Production
Agents Involved:
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Livestock and Poultry production make up the majority of farm income for Clinton County producers at $37.57 million, with poultry being the top commodity according to the Census of Agriculture County Profile (2017). Crop sales totaled $3.04 million. A recent positive turn in commodity prices have row crop producers interested in increasing production. Inputs such as fertilize, seed and fuel have increased as well, a need was identified by discussion with producers on the opportunity of increasing grain production in the area. Beef cow/calf producers continue to see declining prices along with rising feed, fuel and fertilizer costs, a need was identified by the Ag program council to assist producers in finding ways to reduce input costs, become more efficient, and improve net farm income.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Improved input efficiency
- Improved production and profitability of forage-based livestock systems.
- Reducing input costs and increasing profits for grain producers.
- Reduced environmental impact
- Utilize the futures and options market to limit downside market risk.
- Improved cash flow from utilizing budgets to make decisions.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Be proactive in preventing herbicide resistance in grain crops.
- Improved litter utilization by grain and forage producers.
- Use the feeder cattle futures and options market to make price predictions and predict market direction.
- Develop a grazing plan
- Producers utilize budgeting tools to make purchasing and marketing decisions.
- Group marketing of feeder calves to capture value added pricing.
Initial Outcomes:
- Develop proper record keeping techniques for the farming operation.
- Awareness of forage trial information and recommended variety tables.
- Develop marketing strategies that assist producers with price risk.
- Enhance knowledge of grazing management practices for all grazing species.
- Awareness of budgeting tools for Livestock, poultry and grain crop production.
- Determine if Cereal Rye is a viable crop for production in the area.
- Determine the most cost effective Nitrogen source for wheat.
Initial Outcome: Improving knowledge of grazing practices
Indicator: Producers increasing production through grazing techniques.
Method: Surveys and site visits.
Timeline: On-going
Initial Outcome: Participation in county programming increases.
Indicator: Attendance numbers.
Method: Rosters.
Timeline: Spring, Fall, & Winter
Long term Outcome: Improved production and profitability of forage based livestock systems
Indicator: producers reporting improvements in production and profitability
Method: surveys
Timeline: Spring, Fall, & Winter
Initial Outcome: Awareness of budgeting tools available
Indicator: producers utilizing budgeting tools and templates.
Method: Surveys and site visits.
Timeline: On-going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Beef Quality and Care Assurance Training
Content or Curriculum: Beef Quality and Care Assurance Training Materials
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Winter 2021/22
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Twin Lakes Cattle Assoc. Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Beef Cattle production topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Quarterly
Audience: Cattle Producers
Project or Activity: Clinton-Cumberland County Cattleman’s Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Beef cattle production topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Quarterly
Audience: Forage Producers
Project or Activity: Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Fall, Winter 2021/22
Audience: Poultry Producers
Project or Activity: Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Managing Poultry Litter for Profit
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: TBD
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: Grain Production Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: Winter 2022
Audience: All Producers
Project or Activity: CAIP Trainings
Content or Curriculum: Various Topics
Inputs: UK Specialists & industry professionals
Date: As Needed
Audience: All Producers
Activity: Soil Testing
Content or Curriculum: Agr-1 Fertilizer Recommendations
Inputs: Agent, Staff, UK Regulatory Services
Date: Ongoing
Activity: Forage Testing
Audience: Forage Producers
Content or Curriculum: Forage Testing Lab
Inputs: UK forage and Nutrition Specialists
Date: Ongoing
Activity: Introduction of Budgeting tools and templates during production meetings.
Audience: Livestock, poultry and grain crop producers.
Content or Curriculum: UK budgeting tools and templates in Excel.
Inputs: UK Economic Specialists
Date: Winter 21/22
Activity: On-farm demonstration of Cereal Rye
Audience: Small grain producers
Content or Curriculum: UK publications/Specialists
Inputs: UK Grain Crop Specialists
Date: Fall 2020, Winter, Spring 2022
Success Stories
Basic Welding School for Farmers
Author: Colby Guffey
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Minor equipment breakdowns can cost producers big money in lost time or repair bills. Through discussion with local producers and the Clinton Co. ANR Agent the need for hands-on basic welding instruction was mentioned. After discussion with the Cumberland County ANR agent and the Albany Technology center welding instructor, it was decided to offer the program as a combined effort for a total of 12 participants. The class filled up within a few days of advertising. There is now a waitlist f
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Soil Testing program
Author: Colby Guffey
Major Program: Soil testing
In March of 2022 soil samples were sent to the UK soils lab for a local cow/calf producer to determine amount of fertilizer needed for hay in pasture growth. After receiving the soil results back the ANR Agent, having previous knowledge of the producers’ fields and fertilizer practices, something was amiss. The fields were showing major deficiency in P and K and the fertilizer recommendation was much higher than what the producer had been previously applying. Having seve
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Corn Fungicide Trial
Author: Colby Guffey
Major Program: Grains
Grain crop producers continually struggle each season with the decision of whether to apply a fungicide to the corn crop or not. A local producer called the ANR Agent to inquire about setting up a fungicide trial on corn at tassel. A new startup company utilizing a drone to aerial apply fungicides to crops was contacted about participating in the trial. The Clinton and Cumberland Co. ANR Agents cooperated on this project, setting up replicated plots with four reps being treated
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Bale grazing demonstration
Author: Colby Guffey
Major Program: Beef
Bale grazing is a technique of winter-feeding stored forages to beef cattle that has gained in popularity in recent years. A local cow/calf producer inquired about utilizing bale grazing on his farm to help get better distribution of animal manure during the winter-feeding period and to minimize the damage done to feeding areas by his tractor while setting out hay. Aerial maps as well as on farm visits were used to select the areas that the bales will be staged at prior to winter fee
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