Developing Leadership Skills for Community and Civic EngagementPlan of Work
Jefferson County CES
Developing Leadership Skills for Community and Civic Engagement
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
J. Carter, L. Caudle, C. Durr, C. Hall, V. Holland, S. Lewis, W. Long, L. Milligan, B. Pratt, K. Smith, P. Thompson
Master Gardener
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Community Leadership Development
Volunteer leadership is the backbone of Extension. Community leadership and partnership enhances Extensions ability to achieve its mission and sustain itself. Extension is committed to volunteer leader capacity building. Capacity building allows us to sustain ourselves and take our organization to the next level programmatically and financially.
Jefferson County Extension provides opportunities for youth and adults to actively engage locally and globally to promote life skills that aids in their success. Leaders exercise critical thinking skills, learn to appreciate diversity, practice tolerance, develop socio-emotionally, and strive to contribute to their environment (United States Department of Education International Affairs Office of International Strategy).
Youth participating in experiential learning opportunities coupled with setting goals, solving problems, and making wise decisions will help students develop their leadership skills, and in turn will provide them with the necessary skills for leading a successful life (Boyd, 2001).
Boyd, B.L. (2011). Bringing leadership experiences to inner-city youth. Journal of Extension [Online]. 39(4). Available:
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth and adults will serve as leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors for younger children.
Youth and adults will identify and address critical issues that impact the community.
Youth and adults will use leadership skills needed to be successful in the workplace and school on a daily basis.
Community members are equipped with effective leadership skills to motivate others to initiate projects.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth and adults will demonstrate leadership, teamwork and communication skills in their day to day lives.
Youth and adults will engage in community based service projects selected to address identified needs.
Citizens put skills into practice by becoming more engaged in the community, taking on leadership roles.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth and adults will learn the leadership and parliamentary procedural skills that will allow them to run a meeting.
Youth and adults will increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader and team player.
Youth and adults will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.
Youth and adults will acquire decision making skills and gain an appreciation for civic engagement.
Initial Outcome: Youth and adults will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.
Indicator: Youth and adults successfully identify positive and negative leadership characteristics in post – survey
Method: Pre – and post – survey/tests
Timeline: Before and after programs
Intermediate Outcome: Citizens put skills into practice by becoming more engaged in the community, taking on leadership roles.
Indicator: Increase in youth and adults serving as leaders and mentors with Extension and other community organizations.
Method: Observation and records
Timeline: After training and programs.
Long – Term Outcomes: Youth and adults will serve as leaders in their communities, community organizations, and as mentors.
Indicator: Increase in youth and adults serving as leaders and mentors with Extension and other community organizations.
Method: Observation and records
Timeline: After training and programs
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Master Gardener Program and Volunteer Activities
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Curriculum
Inputs: Guest Speakers/Volunteers, mentors, agent, classroom, lab
Dates: Spring 2021
Program Code: 1032
Audience: Adults and Advisory Council Members
Project or Activity: Build Organizational Leadership
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Inputs: UK/KSU Specialists, Extension leadership
Date: July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021
Program Code: 2001
Audience: Extension Homemakers Club Presidents
Project or Activity: President’s Training
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Curriculum
Inputs: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA), Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service publications and resources
Date: July/August 2020
Program Code: 2004
Audience: Extension Homemakers Educational Chairmen
Project or Activity: Educational Program Chairmen Training
Content or Curriculum: KEHA Curriculum
Inputs: Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association (KEHA), Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service publications and resources
Date: September 2020
Program Code: 2004
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Master Clothing Volunteer (MCV)
Content or Curriculum: MCV Curriculum, Continuing education hours for certification
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Dates: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 2003
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: 4 – H Advisory Council
Content or Curriculum: Essential Elements of 4 – H Youth Development Program, The Power of Experiential Learning Mentor Training Toolkit
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Date: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 2001
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Horse, Dog, and Livestock Volunteer
Content or Curriculum: Essential Elements of 4 – H Youth Development Program, The Power of Experiential Learning Mentor Training Toolkit, Education Hours for certification
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Date: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 4041
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: School Clubs, Project Clubs, Community, Clubs
Content or Curriculum: After School Agriculture, Essential Elements of 4 – H Youth Development Program, The Power of Experiential Learning Mentor Training Toolkit, National 4-H Curriculum,
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Date: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 4001
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Teen Summit & Teen Conference
Content or Curriculum: Essential Elements of 4 – H Youth Development Program, The Power of Experiential Learning Mentor Training Toolkit
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Date: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 4041
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4 – H Communications
Content or Curriculum: Essential Elements of 4 – H Youth Development Program, The Power of Experiential Learning Mentor Training Toolkit
Inputs: Paid staff, state specialist, volunteers, facilities, grants
Date: Sept. 2020 – Aug. 2021
Program Code: 4021
Audience: Youth(Developing Life Skills)
Project or Activity: School Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Exploring 4-H, Fiber Works, Ozobot, Lego Mindstroms
Inputs: volunteers, facilities,grants, state specialists, staff
Date: September 2020-April 2021
Program Code: 4001
Success Stories
Community Cares Club
Author: Jessica Marquez
Major Program: Community Leadership Development

Issues: What is the situation? Who cares and why?In the year 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic created many hardships for individuals, especially minority community members. Many people lost their jobs and depended on community centers for resources. The Family Resource & Youth Service Coordinator (FRYSC) from Atherton High School reached out to me wanting to start a program that could teach students about becoming leaders in their community and helping those in need. Atherton High School is part
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Library Partnerships
Author: Chanda Hall
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
As a nonprofit it is essential to develop partnerships with community organizations. Relationships with community partners can help with grant writing, volunteer recruitment, and program promotion. The goal of community partnerships is beneficial for both sides and strengthen the broader community. Jefferson County 4-H has developed a very strong relationship with Louisville Public Libraries. During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Louisville Free Public Library wanted to conti
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Members March On
Author: Valerie Holland
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Members of the Jefferson County Extension Homemakers Association are very diverse and capable leaders who are not afraid of a challenge. And they did face a huge challenge with the 2020 COVID 19 pandemic! Jefferson County rated in the highest case level of the state, but their tenacious spirit led them to find any way they could help and serve during this pandemic. Throughout the year, the Extension Homemakers have contributed time, talent and dollars to the community both on a county, are
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