Community AdvancementPlan of Work
Wolfe County CES
Community Advancement
Emprowering Communty Leaders
Agents Involved:
Alyssa Cox, Heather Graham, Jessica Morris
Community Engagement
Community Analysis
Building Healthy Coalitions
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
The Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Report for Wolfe County indicates that improvements in jobs, infrastructure, and community vitality are top priorities. Creating a culture of individuals giving back to their community through leadership roles serves a multi-purpose process of personal growth, community engagement, and helps to ensure a new generation of involved citizens. With unemployment rates of 7.7% and escalating poverty concerns (57.6% below poverty level), providing youth and adults these valuable skills and attitudes can break negative generational patterns and prepare them to assume leadership roles both today and tomorrow. Through the efforts of Extension, Wolfe County citizens will be better equipped to understand family and community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- More qualified leaders to prepare community for future
- Strong and diverse local food systems are integrated into community development efforts
- Enhancement of economic and ecological sustainability for farmers and homeowners within the community.
- More effective employees and community leaders
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Use and apply improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
- Local food access is established
- Clientele implement sound environmental and economic practices.
- Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices
Initial Outcomes:
- Participants will aspire to create change in their community through their actions, attitudes, and leadership.
- Increased awareness and access to local foods among general public
- Clientele are aware of practices to sustain or improve natural resources on their farms and in their homes.
- Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
Outcome: Increased aspirations to create community change through actions, attitudes, and leadership
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting improved knowledge, opinions, skills, and/or aspirations
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Outcome: Increased awareness and access to local foods among general public
Indicator: Number of residents reporting an increase in accessing fresh, local foods
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Outcome: Increased practices to sustain or improve natural resources on farms and in homes
Indicator: Number of those indicating an increased awareness of sustainable agriculture practices
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Outcome: Improved workforce communication and networking skills
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of confidence in the area: verbal, written, and electronic communication practices; participating in productive business conversation
Method: Self report survey
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Community Leaders
Project or Activity: Leadership Development
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development Program
Inputs: Efforts from agents, Extension Councils
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Emergency Management & Preparedness
Content or Curriculum: Farm Management Economics and Policy programs, Family Development programs, Financial Education programs, Food Preparation and Preservation programs, Nutrition and Food System programs, Volunteer Development programs, Civic Engagement programs, and Health Programs
Inputs: Efforts from Agents, Extension Specialists and publications,
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Community
Project or Activity: Local Foods and Art
Content or Curriculum: Marketing programs, Farmers’ Market programs, value added programs, grape/wine production, sheep/goat production, honeybee programs
Inputs: Efforts from Agents, Kentucky Department of Agriculture, Farmers/Producers, Extension Specialists, and publications
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Workforce Readiness
Content or Curriculum: Resume building, interview skills, Community Closet
Inputs: Efforts from Agents, Adult Education, Public Library, Catholic Church
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Natural Resource Sustainability
Content or Curriculum: Ag water quality plan, backyard and urban streams, proper use and disposal of pesticide/ herbicide/ fertilizer, putting BMPs into use, woodland management, invasive plant, disease, and insect ID and control
Inputs: Efforts from Agents, Extension Specialists and publications
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Leadership Development
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Teen Leadership Academy, Issues Conference, Teen Conference, 4-H Teen Summit, 4-H Camp
Inputs: Efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Project or Activity: Workforce Readiness
Content or Curriculum: Resume building, interview skills, Community Closet, Speeches and Demonstrations, Agriculture Awareness Series, Reality Store, Dollars and Sense
Inputs: Efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: Ongoing projects throughout the year
Success Stories
County Clean-Up
Author: Heather Graham
Major Program: Water and Soil Quality and Conservation
Wolfe County, like many counties, has seen its share of drug "issues." To celebrate those that have made it to recovery, the Wolfe County Extension Office partnered with Wolfe Countians Against Drugs to hold a Recovery Week. Part of the Recovery Week was to hold a community wide clean-up, people could celebrate being clean while cleaning up the county. Of course, those in recovery were not the only ones that participated. Family members and community supporters also participated. Becau
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Flood Relief
Author: Heather Graham
Major Program: Community Engagement

In March 2021, many counties in Eastern KY saw historic flooding. Homes destroyed, vehicles damaged, livestock swept away. The agents and staff of the Wolfe County Extension Office wanted to help their neighboring counties by acting as a centralized location to receive donation items for victims of the flood. Over the course of several weeks many items were brought to the Office: cleaning supplies, air mattresses, fans, water hoses, food, clothing, toiletries, etc. Employees put together over 20
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Flood Relief
Author: Alyssa Cox
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
In March 2021, many counties in Eastern KY saw historic flooding. Homes destroyed, vehicles damaged, livestock swept away. The agents and staff of the Wolfe County Extension Office wanted to help their neighboring counties by acting as a centralized location to receive donation items for victims of the flood. Over the course of several weeks many items were brought to the Office: cleaning supplies, air mattresses, fans, water hoses, food, clothing, toiletries, etc.
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment