Developing Leadership, Citizenship, Health, & Life Skills Among YouthPlan of Work
Wolfe County CES
Developing Leadership, Citizenship, Health, & Life Skills Among Youth
Youth Development Programming
Agents Involved:
Jessica Morris
Family and Consumer Science
Volunteer Development
Over the last several years, Wolfe County 4-H, as well at Wolfe County Extension, have experienced growth in programming and community involvement. The Wolfe County Extension District Board, County Extension Council, and 4-H Council have indicated through discussion and surveys that they want to keep the momentum and expand programming for the youth in Wolfe County.
Partnering organizations (Wolfe County School System, Wolfe County Youth Service Center & Family Resource, and other community organizations) have indicated that there is a continued need for our partnership to continue to provide quality educational programming to the youth (K-12) of the County. Therefore, Wolfe County 4-H will continue to focus on the Core Curriculum Areas and provide positive youth development opportunities for every child in Wolfe County.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Through positive 4-H Youth Development programming in Wolfe County, the youth will improve their leadership, citizenship, and life skills. Being actively engaged with positive role models in our community, our youth will be able to take on leadership roles, be productive and active members of our society all while making healthy lifestyle choices.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Through positive 4-H Youth Development programming in Wolfe County, the youth will gain self confidence in their skills and abilities which will contribute to their success in our society. By participating in positive programming, projects and service learning opportunities youth will enhance skills that are essential for goal setting, decision making and completion of a task.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will develop leadership, citizenship, and health and life skills all while gaining interest and expanding their knowledge in the 4-H Core curriculum areas of Science, Engineering, & Technology; Health; Animal Science; Natural Resources; Communications; and Family & Consumer Sciences; and Leadership. As a result, their enthusiasm for the entire 4-H Youth Development Program will increase allowing us to expand their knowledge in other areas as well.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H Teens (Grades 7-12)
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Leadership Academy
Content or Curriculum: Leadership
Inputs: Efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: Grades 9-12
Project or Activity: Issue's Conference, Teen Conference, Truth & Consequences
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development, Community Service, Drug Prevention
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: Grades K-12
Project or Activity: Reality Store, Dollars & Sense, Budgeting
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development, Financial Awareness & Education, Family Consumer Science
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: Grades 6-8
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Summit
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Teambuilding, Community Service, Communications
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: All Youth (9-19)
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Teambuilding, Community Service, Communications, Life Skills
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: All Youth (9-19)
Project or Activity: Communications (Speeches and Demonstrations)
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Team building, Communications, Life Skills, Self Confidence
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: All Youth (9-19)
Project or Activity: School Enrichment
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Teambuilding, Community Service, Communications, Life Skills, SET, Health, Family Consumer Science
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: Grades 3-4
Project or Activity: Agriculture Awareness Series
Content or Curriculum: Leadership,Communications, Life Skills, Health, Animal Science
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: All Youth (9-19)
Project or Activity: Livestock Club/ Skillathon Team
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Teambuilding, Community Service, Communications, Life Skills, Animal Science and Agriculture
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Audience: All Youth (9-19)
Project or Activity: Ham Club
Content or Curriculum: Leadership, Communications, Life Skills, Animal Science, Food Preservation, Family Consumer Science
Inputs: efforts of Agents, Extension Staff, State Staff, School System; Promotion Through website, newspapers, newsletters, school promotion, social media
Date: ongoing
Success Stories
Pumpkin Days takes on New Delivery
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Agriculture
As the pandemic hit, the plans for our bi-annual Pumpkin Days was well underway! Traditionally this day encompasses 1500 Headstart, Preschool, Kindergarten and 1st grader's attending a day of activities, recipe tasting and stories all centered around a pumpkins. They even take a trip to the pumpkin patch to pick their very own pumpkin. As fall approached the hopes of hosting the day in-person at the Robinson Station for Appalachian Resource Sustainability diminished. Agents were determined t
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Family Cooking Series
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

As the pandemic swept across the commonwealth, the needs of our clients rose as well as the need to find a new delivery method. Wolfe County 4-H, Wolfe County SNAP Ed Assistant (Joy Rose), Youth Service Center (Connie Campbell) and Wolfe County ASAP collaborated together to provide a seven week cooking club for families of Wolfe County. Through grant funding from ASAP and funds provided by our YSC, we were able to partner together to provide each family with a crock pot and all ingredients neede
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UK Cares Grant: Leads to a clean community.
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Natural Resources

In Jackson and Wolfe Counties, we have a huge solid waste disposal issue as evidenced by multiple dump sites and litter along roadways and stream banks throughout the counties. An opportunity became available to educate about proper solid waste disposal and remove existing waste. Jackson and Wolfe County obtained funding through a UK CARES Grant in the amount of $10,000 to improve their communities. A portion of the grant was to teach the youth in the community the process of bringing change to
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Longest Day of Play
Author: Jessica Morris
Major Program: Health
Encouraging outdoor activities and opportunities has been a focal point here at the Extension Office since the pandemic began. For the first time we scheduled activities for all age ranges of clientele to participate in to celebrate and take part in the longest day of play. Our day started with Sunrise Yoga at the Lake for 17 ladies. We then transitioned to holding a Color Fun Run/Walk at the Wolfe County Sports Complex where all participants walked or ran a 5K. We had roughly 40 participants in
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment