Parenting SkillsPlan of Work

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Henderson County CES

Parenting Skills
Nuturing Families
Agents Involved:
Nurturing Parenting
Nurturing Families (general)

Child maltreatment results in over 1,700 deaths each year. At least 1.25 million children in the United States experienced child maltreatment in 2005-2006. There are over 6,000 children in Kentucky in foster care. Offering parenting classes will teach parents how to become better nurturers and have a positive effect on their childhood.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Families will be able to care for the physical and mental health and well being of their children. Build personal strengths and self control, interpersonal communication, life skills including wise derision-making that involves their children and family.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Families will play with children daily, practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships. Families with eat together at least four meal a week.

Initial Outcomes:

Commits to set family rules regarding eating together, limiting screen time, active play and exercise and set routines.


Initial Outcome:Strengthening nutruing family

Indicator: what they already know

Method:pre/post test

Timeline:Fall 2018

Intermediate Outcome: Building Personal Strengths

Indicator: what they have learned

Method: pre/post test

Timeline: Spring 2019

Long-term Outcome: practice wise parenting skills

Indicator:what has been learned and what changes have been made

Method: pre/post test

Timeline:Fall 2018

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Parents

Project or Activity: Parenting Classes

Content or Curriculum: Nuturing Parents

Inputs: Family Court System, FCS Agent

Date: Fall 2018-Spring 2019

Audience: Expectant Mothers Night Out

Project or Activity: Baby Shower Education and Expo

Content or Curriculum: Community Material, UK Publications

Inputs: Community Partners-Methodist Hospital, Health Department, Extension, Community College, School System

Date: May 2019


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



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