Community and Leadership DevelopmentPlan of Work
Nicholas County CES
Community and Leadership Development
Community and Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Madison McAlmond and Lindsay Haynes
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Volunteer Development
Community Leadership Development
Facilitation Training
Overall community sucess stems from strong and qualified leadership. As a result of the 2018 Community Needs Assessment, the top vitality issues in Nicholas County were identified as more qualified leaders to prepare the community for the future and more citizens helping to solve local issues.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Community issues are addressed and solved through active and engaged local leaders and citizens.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Citizens practice learned leadership skills in various organizations such as clubs, school, and community organizations
Citizens and leaders improve skills in communication, problem solving, and group situations to address community issues and needs.
Initial Outcomes:
Nicholas County citizens increase knowledge and gain skills in personal leadership.
Clubs and councils take part and increase skills in organizational leadership
Initial Outcome: Nicholas County citizens increase knowledge and gain skills in personal leadership
Indicator: Clubs and councils take part in increased skills in organizational meetings
Method: Volunteering more often
Timeline: 2021-2025
Intermediate Outcome: Clubs and organizations are practicing organizational skills
Indicator: all clubs and organizations run smoothly using appropriate parliamentary procedures
Method: officers are elected to organizations and business is conducted efficiently
Timeline: 2021-2025
Long-term Outcome: Strong local organizational leadership
Indicator: clubs and organizations across the community increase active membership
Method: club enrollment and active participation
Timeline: 2021-2025
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Nicholas County Homemaker Council
Project or Activity: Area Leader Training, county officer training,
Content or Curriculum: Robert's Rules of Order, KEHA Handbook
Inputs: publications, guidelines, officer/chairperson descriptions, area and state officers
Date: 2021-2025
Audience: 4-H Council
Project or Activity: County officer training, Voluntter Forum
Content or Curriculum: Roberts Rules, Councils 101
Inputs: publications, guidelines, officer/chairperson descriptions
Audience: Cattlemans Assocation
Project or Activity: County officer training, Volunteer Forum
Content or Curriculum: Roberts Rules of Order, Council's 101
Inputs: Publications, guidelines, officer/chairperson description
Date: 2021-2025
Success Stories
USDA Farmers to Families produce drop
Author: Lindsay Arthur
Major Program: Community Engagement

On September 17th, 2020 Nicholas County received a shipment of over $70,000 worth of fresh fruits and vegetables to be distributed throughout the community provided by the USDA Farmers to Families program. This was made possible by the Nicholas County Judge Executives Office and Fiscal Court with numerous amounts of volunteers and community partners helping pass out the boxes the day of distribution. Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud recipes and materials accompanied the boxes with the help of the Nic
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