Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life SkillsPlan of Work
Madison County CES
Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life Skills
Develop and Strengthen Leadership and Life Skills
Agents Involved:
Amanda Sears, Brandon Sears, Aubrey Clark, Scott Darst, Jessica Hunley
Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Family and Consumer Science
Master Gardener
According to the Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Madison County Report (2019), the top priority issues for youth and families were: more youth life skills training (money management, life decision making) and better family skills in reducing debt, increasing savings and financial planning. There were also top priorities identified impacting leadership, including more qualified leaders to prepare community for the future, more youth community leadership opportunities, and more citizens helping to solve local issues. From this same report, focus groups identified life skills education and workforce readiness as two of the top five priorities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society. Youth will obtain the communication and life skills needed to enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning and lead successful lives. Youth will serve as teen and adult leaders in their communities, community organizations, environmental stewards, and as mentors for younger youth.
Master gardeners will assist with programming and lead classes in the community
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will set and achieve goals, develop a positive bond with a caring adult who believe in their success and apply the life skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
Volunteers and leaders practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach, improve skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs and apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems.
Master Gardeners will coordinate Madison County Master Gardener Club.
Farmer's market leaders will guide their markets during the season.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision-making process, and develop life skills. They will also will increase their knowledge about leadership and how to be an effective leader, team player and communicator. Youth will learn about leadership styles and will be able to identify positive and negative leadership characteristics.
Clientele increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
Residents will understand the importance of sustainable local agriculture to individual health and financial well-being, and will learn to grow, prepare and preserve food
Master Gardeners will learn horticulture skills.
Future Madison County leaders participate in Leadership Madison County to learn about the local agriculture economy.
Work early in season with farmer's market leaders to establish plan for season.
Outcome: Youth will obtain the communication and life skills needed to enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning/trade school to lead successful lives
Indicator: Percentage of students who successfully complete the Dollars and Sense Program ad Reality Store Program with a positive bank balance.
Method: 4-H Dollar and Sense Activity Summary Sheet, Reality Store Activity Record Sheet
Timeline: At the end of the program.
Outcome: Youth will obtain the communication and life skills needed to enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning/ trade schools to lead successful lives
Indicator: Percentage of students who successfully prepare and deliver a 4-H speech or demonstration. Number of students who earn a blue ribbon based on the quality of their presentation overall.
Method: 4-H Speech or Demonstration Score Sheet
Timeline: At the end of the program.
Outcome: Youth will set and achieve goals, develop a positive relationship with a caring adult and apply the life skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
Indicator: Number of youth who successfully complete a 4-H project/activity.
Method: Observation at programs
Timeline: At the end of the program.
Outcome: Youth will learn to read and follow instructions while developing skills in Family and Consumer Sciences projects and programs.
Indicator: Number of youth who reported that they followed instructions step-by step to do or make things themselves (i.e. recipes).
Method: End of program surveys, observation of completed work
Timeline: Throughout project work, conclusion of the program
Outcome: Master Clothing volunteers practice personal leadership skills in
workshops and community outreach and improve communication and program planning skills.
Indicator: MCV teach workshops and create community projects that improve
skills of participants and serve a need in the community.
Method: MCV reports and class evaluations
Timeline: As projects and classes are completed
Outcome: Leadership Madison County program graduates develop opportunities in local leadership roles
Indicator: Number of graduates who become involved in or are selected for positions of leadership.
Method:Identify past graduates who serve in leadership roles with various local and regional organizations, businesses, elected offices, or agribusinesses/commodity groups.
Timeline: Annually
Outcome: Master gardeners will assist with programming such as county fair and farmer's market events.
Indicator: Increased number of classes offered by master gardeners
Method: Master Gardeners taking on more responsibility with programming. Master Gardeners will be trained how to handle each program they work with.
Timeline: Throughout the year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth ages 5-18
Project or Activity: County Communications Contest
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum, Talk Meet, Demonstrations Booklet, and Contest Rules
Inputs: Volunteer and Agent time, space for contest, awards for participants, copies, equipment
Date: Annually
Audience: Youth ages 5-18
Project or Activity: Communications Contest in the Schools: Speak Up!
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum, Talk Meet, Demonstrations Booklet, and Contest Rules
Inputs: Agent time, space for contest, awards for participants, copies, equipment
Date: Winter- Spring, Annually
Audience: Middle and High School age 4-H youth
Project or Activity: Leadership Clubs/Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Civic Engagement, district and state level events, 4-H Camp Counselor Training manual
Inputs: 4-H Agent time, volunteer time, funding, curriculum, equipment, meeting space
Date: Monthly Meetings, Year Round
Audience: 4-H Youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: 4-H Project Clubs/Groups
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Sewing—Keeping 4-H in Stitches; 4-H Cooking—
4-H Cooking 101, 201, 301, 401, Super Star Chef, Visual Arts Curriculum, Utah 4-H Cake Decorating Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent time, volunteer time, funding, curriculum, equipment, meeting space
Date: Time varies by project
Audience: Youth ages 12-18
Project or Activity: Richmond Teen Center
Content or Curriculum: Varies: Unlock your Leadership Potential, National 4-H Mentoring program, Speak Up, Jr MANRRS, 4-H SET
Inputs: 4-H volunteers, resources, curriculum
Date: Annually
Audience: Youth 12-18
Project or Activity: Shooting sports teen leaders
Content or curriculum: varies: shooting sports, Step up to Leadership Mentor guide
Inputs: meeting space and supplies, curriculum, equipment
Date: Annually
Audience: 4-H Volunteers
Project or Activity: Volunteer Training
Content or curriculum: Livestock, Dog, Shooting Sports, Horse, Volunteer Resource Guide
Inputs: meeting space and supplies, curriculum, equipment
Date: One meeting annually, continuing hours
Audience: Board and Council members, clientele
Activity: Family and Consumer Science Council and Homemaker Board, County Extension Council
Content or curriculum: Council Guidelines
Input: KEHA materials, Letters, meals, meeting space, agent and volunteer time
Date: Year Round
Audience: Master Volunteers and clientele
Activity: Master Volunteer in Clothing Program
Content or curriculum: Volunteer Activities, MCV State Training and guidelines
Input: Training fees, agent time, volunteer service hours, samples and supplies
Date: Year Round
Audience: Madison County District Board Members
Activity: District Board
Content or Curriculum: District Board Manual
Inputs: volunteer service, treasurer, Department of Local Government, Fiscal Court
Date: Year Round
Audience: Adults
Activity: Leadership Madison County Program
Content: Madison County Chambers of Commerce in Richmond and Berea (Agriculture Day)
Inputs: Volunteer farmers, ANR agent, Richmond & Berea Chamber resources
Date: September, Annually
Audience: Adults
Activity: Master Gardeners
Content: UK program
Inputs: UK curriculum, specialists, Horticulture Agent
Date: As needed
Audience: Master Gardeners
Activity: Master Gardener Club
Content: As needed
Inputs: Land grant publications, Horticulture Agent
Date: monthly
Audience: Resident Farmers
Activity: Madison County Ag Development Council
Content: Governor’s Office of Ag Policy Program Guidelines
Inputs: GOAP staff, county council members, ANR agent
Date: 3-4 times per year (as needed)
Success Stories
Master Gardener During COVID
Author: Amanda Sears
Major Program: Master Gardener
The Madison County Master Gardener Club meets once a month for continuing education and to help retain volunteers. Historically, each month different members or someone from the community speaks to the group about a horticulture topic. Due to COVID 19 the group was unable to continue to meet face to face. The Madison County Horticulture Agent organized ZOOM meetings each month during the pandemic to help keep the members engaged. The Agent chose topics based on ideas from the group, put together
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Gardening for Everyone
Author: Amanda Sears
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
People seem to busier than ever! And it is increasingly common to hear a client say they wished they could make it to a class or program at the Extension Office but they just do not have the time. The Madison County Extension Horticulture Agent and the Madison County Extension Horticulture Council brainstormed ways to reach clients that do not have the time or capability to come to the office for a meeting.Horticulture classes were recorded and placed on the Madison County Extension Horticulture
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Country Ham Auction
Author: Aubrey Lawson
Major Program: Agriculture
The country ham program provides an opportunity for youth to learn about a rich Kentucky tradition through hands on experience of curing and preserving country ham while also building their communication skills. Despite restrictions and cancellations of the public speaking portion of the program, 19 Madison County youth created independent videos of presentations for use in our annual country ham auction. Invitations to bidders were made by the youth themselves giving them additional experience
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Kentucky 4-H Summit
Author: Aubrey Lawson
Major Program: Leadership
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the 2021 Kentucky 4-H Summit could not be implemented in the typical face-to-face format. Kentucky 4-H Program volunteers, members, and professionals decided, based on current events and fundamental developmental needs, that middle school youth needed the opportunity to connect to others and practice their leadership skills through 4-H. If adolescents are to develop the skills necessary for adulthood, they must learn basic skills for everyday life (Carnegie Coun
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4-H Election Day Extravaganza
Author: Brandon Darst
Major Program: Civic Engagement
Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Citizenship Washington Focus: Presidential Inauguration 2021 experience was cancelled. Hosted by the National 4-H Center, approximately 68 youth from central Kentucky were planning on attending. In addition to the trip itself, the Kentucky planning committee, made up of agents from around Central Kentucky, had scheduled several civic educational days to be used to supplement the participants’ knowledge of the election and electoral process.
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4-H Baking Science Bread Club
Author: Aubrey Lawson
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

While the pandemic brought on many challenges and set backs, many were also pushed out of their comfort zones to try new things. While traditional 4-H Cooking and Baking clubs were not able to meet together in person, the Madison County 4-H Agent was faced with leading these clubs virtually. The 4-H Baking Science Bread Club was a club that met virtually to provide at-home educational experiences that foster engagement and new learning opportunities for youth. This club consisted of s
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment