Embracing Life as We AgePlan of Work
Knott County CES
Embracing Life as We Age
Family Wellness
Agents Involved:
Linda Combs
With the unemployment rate in the county on the rise up to 15.6% through 2015 and early 2016, community leaders through surveys, council meetings, and one-on-one face meetings have directed Extension programming to focus on areas dealing with: family relations, drugs, unemployment, motivating children to succeed, peer pressure, helping aging baby boomers learn to adapt to the aging process and financial management. Many of Knott County families struggle with one or more of these problems. Children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school. Knott County’s population of seniors is 13.4% a number that is expected to increase due to aging baby boomers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Decrease falls
•Decrease obesity
•Decrease # of individuals with chronic disease
•Increase physical activity
•Increase caregiving knowledge and quality relationships
•Improve financial education
•Improve healthy homes and communities
•Improve quality of life for Knott County's aging families
Intermediate Outcomes:
Change behavior to decrease risk of falling.
•Increase communication and enhance relationships and social support.
•Enhance brain activity
•Improve mental health
•Increase skills to interact/work with older adults
•Make healthy eating choices and follow safe food handling practices
•Work as a family unit to acknowledge and embrace aging issues
Initial Outcomes:
•Decrease the risk of falling
•Increase healthy lifespan behaviors
•Life story and legacy
•Understand death, dying, loss and bereavement.
•Practice healthy eating and food safety•Financial Planning
•Understand age-related family issues (e.g. dementia, power of attorney, living wills, failing health, end-of-life)
Intermediate Outcome: Adapt lifestyles to promote healthy aging:
Indicator: percentage of program participants that show change
Method: pre-tests, post tests, surveys
Timeline: on-going
Long-term Outcome: Knott County families will improve quality of life for aging family members
Indicator: number of families that have chronic diseases decrease and they increase the amount of physical activity and improve family relations
Method: pre and post tests, observations
Timeline: on-going
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Holiday Showcase
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension curriculum
Inputs: FCS agents
Date: Nov 2020
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Stress Relief through Mindfulness
Content or Curriculum: UK Extension Curriculum & other UK materials
Inputs: Agents
Date: On going
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment