Adapting to Changing Agricultural MarketsPlan of Work
Fleming County CES
Adapting to Changing Agricultural Markets
Securing Agricultural Profitability and Sustainability
Agents Involved:
Fryman, Thrasher , Wilhoit
Local Food Systems
Horticulture, Commercial
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Volunteer Development
Over the past 20 years agricultural production in Fleming County has changed significantly. The heavy decline in tobacco and dairy production has found the need for agriculture diversification and sustainability. Agribusinesses supporting agriculture production have also found the need to adapt to changing markets and opportunities. With the ever-changing agriculture markets, diversification and sustainability, is needed for farm families to remain profitable and sustainable for years to come. Educational opportunities are important to keep farmers moving forward with profitability and relevant in the current agriculture climate, as well as introduction of new agriculture production opportunities. Additionally, emphasis should be placed on educational opportunities for young farmers to be successful in the current agriculture climate. For agriculture to remain sustainable for many years to come, youth educational opportunities geared toward agriculture production is imperative to keep agriculture alive through farming and through interest in agriculture careers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Agricultural producers will adapt to the changing agricultural markets
-Producers will continue to be profitable in a changing agricultural market
-Producers will modify their operations in order to produce a commodity that is marketable
-Producers will become more efficient and effective in their farm management and implementation of good management practices
-Farmers will create operations that include sustainable agricultural practices to weather fluctuating agricultural markets and remain profitable
-Youth will be educated on the current agricultural markets through 4-H
-Youth will gain and maintain employment resulting from life skill development through 4-H Projects and activities.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Agricultural producers will implement changes needed in their operations according to the needs of the fluctuating markets
-Producers will make changes necessary to continue being profitable in their enterprises
-Producers will implement techniques and strategies learned from research and extension to become more effective and produce higher quality products
-Youth can explain the role of agriculture in daily life to others.
Initial Outcomes:
-Producers will gain knowledge of new and changing agricultural markets
-Producers will become more open minded to new and changing markets for beef, dairy, crops and horticultural products
-Producers will learn how they can change their operations to become more efficient
-Producers will learn how they can change their operations to produce a higher quality product
-Producers will become familiar with cultural practices that will allow them to make more profit from their products
-Youth will gain knowledge and skills in production in the areas of plant sciences, horticulture and animal sciences.
-Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, communications, record keeping, leadership and service.
Outcome: Increase efficiency and profits on the farm
Indicator: Number of individuals that report; knowledge and skills gained about new efficient ways to manage the farm and increase profits
Method: self-report survey
Timeline: pre-post implementing curriculum or program evaluations
Outcome: Increase knowledge of changing agricultural markets and opportunities for providing higher quality products
Indicator: Number of individuals that report; Number of individuals that gain and renew certifications in production areas (I.e. Tobacco GAP, BQCA, Private Pesticide, PBPT, etc...); increase in knowledge and skills gained in agricultural market opportunities and high-quality production
Method: Self-report surveys; specific curricula or program evaluations
Timeline: Pre-post implementing curricula or program
Outcome: -Youth will develop valuable life-skills, including decision-making, communications, record keeping, leadership and service.
Indicator: Number of inidividuals participating in 4-H Youth Livestock Projects
Method: Self-Report; Personal Testimony via Record Book
Timeline: September Annually
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Local Beef Farmers
Project or Activity: Master Cattleman (Master Stocker, Master Grazer, Master Marketer Programs; Master Hay Maker)
Content or Curriculum: UK Master Cattleman Curriculum, BQA, Cattle Handling and Care
Inputs: UK Beef & Forage Specialists, Agents
Date: January-December
Audience: Local Dairy Farmers
Project or Activity: Winter Dairy Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Dairy technologies and research from UK Dairy
Inputs: UK Dairy Specialists
Date: January
Audience: Crop Farmers
Project or Activity: Crop Classes
Content or Curriculum: Private Pesticide Applicator Training, Market Updates, Production Information, Farmers Market, PBPT
Inputs: Agent, UK specialists
Date: January- December
Audience: Local Tobacco Farmers
Project or Activity: Annual GAP Meetings
Content or Curriculum: GAP Training curriculum
Inputs: University Specialists, Tobacco GAP Connections
Date: February-June
Audience: Vegetable Growers
Project or Activity: Farmer’s Market Vendor Meetings & Trainings
Content or Curriculum: Information chosen by farmers directly related to the production of fruit and vegetable crops
Inputs: Agents, UK Horticulture Specialists, KDA
Date: January- MayAudience: All Farmers
Project or Activity: Farm Management
Content or Curriculum: Farm Business Planning Trainings
Inputs: University Econ Specialists
Date: NovemberAudience: All Farmers
Project or Activity: Diagnostic Testing
Content or Curriculum: Weed ID, Soil Testing, Hay Testing, Plant Disease Diagnostics, Animal Disease Diagnostics
Inputs: Agents; UK Specialists
Date: January-DecemberAudience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H livestock Project
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Livestock Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, FFA Advisors, Certified Volunteers, Community Partners
Date: September - August
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Country Ham Project
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Livestock Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Certified Leaders, Community Partners
Date: January - August
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Youth Gardening Program
Content or Curriculum: Sprouts Program, Bonnie Cabbage Program, UK publications
Inputs: Agents, Garden Club, Volunteer Program, Schools
Date: Spring, Summer
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Youth ANR Day Camp
Content or Curriculum: Natural Resources, Entomology, Forestry
Inputs: Agents, Community Partners
Date: July Annually
Success Stories
Hay Sampling to Manage Quality
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Forages

Fleming County's participation in the annual East Kentucky Hay Contest has been scare to none over the past three-ten years. In 2019 I worked with bringing interest back to the need of understanding hay quality through Fleming County's participation in the East KY Hay Contest. Four farmers signed up to test their hay quality in 2019 and in 2020 the participation level more than doubled. Hay quality is important for farmers in Fleming County for many reasons. We ha
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Virtual 4-H Country Ham Auction
Author: Staci Thrasher
Major Program: Agriculture
The 4-H County Ham project provides youth the opportunity to apply science principles, exercise leadership and communications skills, and invest in their future. 4-H members learn principles in microbiology and practice food safety as they prepare green hams for curing. Those entering competitions research and compose written and oral presentations addressing topics ranging from proper curing methods, insect control, proper storage and cooking, the history of country hams in the world and how to
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Master Haymaker
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Forages
The District 1 ANR Agents hosted a seven series virtual Master Haymaker program in winter of 2021. This program came to fruition due to COVID-19 restrictions and the need to continue programming that would enhance the lives of agriculture producers in Eastern Kentucky. The seven sessions covered topics such as: weed control in forages, producing quality hay, warm and cool season forages, soil fertility, marketing hay, machinery options for hay production, and the production of
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Farm School for Women
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
In fall 2020, COVID-19 still had many restrictions, but this did not stop the Buffalo Trace agents from hosting the Farm School for Women program. We offered the program virtually through Zoom for four sessions and had 28 women signed up and participated. We wanted to provide an exciting program, but this is not an easy task as many programs are offered virtually. We based the sessions on 2019's survey that asked what type of workshops participants would like to see for 2020. The first
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Virtual Farm Tours Highlight Area Farms
Author: April Wilhoit
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
The 2021 Kentucky Association of County Agriculture Agents (KACAA) was hosted by the District 1 agents which the Buffalo Trace County area is part of. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic the decision was made to move the conference to a virtual format. With the idea to keep the traditional layout of the conference the same the agents decided to continue with farm tours but to video agriculture producers in the district and host the tours virtually for the KACAA conference attendees
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment