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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Develop Individuals for Leadership & Volunteer RolesPlan of Work

Breathitt County CES

Develop Individuals for Leadership & Volunteer Roles
1. Engaged Communities
Agents Involved:
Reed Graham, Kayla Watts, & Ryan Spicer
Community Engagement
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Leaders and volunteers are important in building engaged and empowered communities.

The Breathitt County Horseman's Association - The association is a group of people with shared interests.  This group will grow leaders and work to implement volunteer opportunities for its members.

KEHA - The Kentucky Extension Homemakers Association mission is to improve the quality of life for families and communities through education, leadership development and volunteer service.

The Breathitt County 4-H Teen Club & School Clubs - Provide involved youth with leadership development opportunities and volunteer/service project opportunities.

Long-Term Outcomes:

The Breathitt County Horseman's Association will work together to implement local trail rides and other events (a marked trail for tourism) that will allow for volunteer efforts on the part of its members.

KEHA members serve as active Extension and community volunteers engaged in addressing community needs.

4-H youth will volunteer to implement county service projects.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Horseman's members will practice leadership skills learned at workshops.  The local Horsemen's Association will host two trail rides a year and will provide information on the marked trail system.

KEHA leaders will practice personal leadership skills through leadership roles at the club, county, area and/or state level.

4-H youth will learn about effective leadership and will practice leadership skills through participating in volunteer/service projects.

Initial Outcomes:

Horsemen's Association members will be a functioning body with by-laws, elected officers, and appropriate training opportunities for its leaders.  

KEHA members will gain organizational knowledge through annual officer and chairman training.  KEHA members will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership through club lessons and special interest workshops.  

4-H youth will increase their knowledge and skills in leadership through club lessons and special interest camps/workshops.


Initial Outcome: 

Formation of fully functioning Breathitt County Horseman's Association, Breathitt County KEHA & 4-H Teen/School Clubs


By-Laws are followed, leaders are trained, personal knowledge of leadership develops

Method: Face to face meetings, day camps, special interest workshops

Timeline: On-Going

Intermediate Outcome: 

The local Horsemen's Association will host multiple trail rides in Breathitt County; highlighting their marked, trail.  KEHA members will practice new leadership roles and particpated in new leadership opportunities at the county, area and state level.  4-H Youth will practice leadership skills by implementing service projects.


 Attendance at trail ride, publicity of marked trail system, new KEHA leaders, new 4-H youth leaders

Method: Monthly meetings, end of program evaluations & survey, observation/review of officer directories

Timeline: On-Going

Long-term Outcome: 

Horseman's Association Members will plan and implement trail rides and trail system.  Members will work with local leaders to promote the trail system and events.

KEHA members will plan and implement volunteer efforts at the community level

4-H youth will plan and implement volunteer/service projects within the community


Marked trails for horsemen; Horsemen from other parts of the state coming in to ride the trails

KEHA members implementing volunteer programs

4-H youth implementing service projects

Method: Attendance and observation at all of these events

Timeline:  On-Going

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Horsemen's Association

Project or Activity: Leadership & Volunteer Development

Content or Curriculum: Robert's Rules of Order; Leadership 

Inputs: Agent & State Specialists

Date: On-Going/Monthly

Audience: Breathitt County Homemakers Members

Project or Activity: KEHA Leader Training and/or Special Interest Workshops

Content or Curriculum: KEHA Manual, KEHA Training Toolkit, KEHA website, FCS Curriculum

Inputs: FCS Agent & State Advisors

Date: On-Going/Monthly

Audience: 4-H Teen Club Youth & School Club Members

Project or Activity: Leadership Development Lessons; Special Camps & Workshops

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Citizenship, Civic Engagement, & Leadership Curriculum

Inputs: 4-H Agent & State Advisors

Date: On-Going/Monthly

Success Stories

4-H Camp

Author: Ryan Spicer

Major Program: Camping

 Character Counts defines a person’s character as “the summation of his or her habits, attitudes and attributes." Good character doesn’t happen automatically.  Character education is very important, and good character qualities can be taught. To educate the youth of Breathitt County in character development the agent for 4-H Youth Development offers various programs throughout the program year, and one such program is yearly attendance to J.M. Feltner 4-H Camp. 4

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