Empowering Community & Extension LeadersPlan of Work

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Ballard County CES

Empowering Community & Extension Leaders
Ballard County Leadership, Community and Economic Development
Agents Involved:
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Champion Food Volunteers

Building the capacity of volunteer leaders is critical for the sustainability of communities that support and strengthen families. Family and Consumer Sciences Extension is committed to engaging, educating, and empowering local citizens to investigate issues, make responsible decisions, and take ownership of solutions.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Ballard County's health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.

Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Implementation of leadership practices designed to improve successful accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.

Employing effective practices designed to increase community support for improving community quality of life.

Initial Outcomes:

Developing skills and knowledge designed to improve personal leadership capacity


Initial Outcome: Ballard Countians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership

Indicator: number of people who indicate a change in knowledge and skills

Method: Pre and Post test

Timeline: Homemaker Leader Training in August  & other training throughout

the program year

Intermediate Outcome: Implement leadership practices designed to improve successful accomplishment of organizational goals and objectives.

Indicator: the number of people who:

-practice personal leadership skills in clubs, and community outreach

-improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group

process in addressing organizational issues and needs

-apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement

solutions for community problems

Method: observation at leader led programs, activities and events

Timeline: organizational leader training throughout program year, July


Long-term Outcome: Community problems are solved through active engaged local


Indicator: number of problems solved

Method: observation

Timeline: 6 months after implementation plans are initiated

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Ballard County Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity: Annual Leader Training

Content or Curriculum: KEHA

Inputs: KEHA power point, Kim Henken

Date: August

Audience: Ballard County Extension Homemaker Lesson Leaders

Project or Activity: Monthly Learning Session

Content or Curriculum: FCS

Inputs: District FCS agents, Specialist, Homemaker Leaders, Extension Office

Date: August  - May 

Audience: COMPASS Ballard County's Healthy Direction Coalition

Project or Activity: Quarterly meetings

Content or Curriculum: Promoting Ballard County Community Health

Inputs: Purchase District Health Dept. Cooperative Extension Agents, Purchase Area Health Connections Coalition,

Date: Quarterly


Project or Activity: 


Success Stories

Face Coverings for Ballard County Elementary School

Author: Sarah Drysdale

Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association

Face Coverings for Ballard County Elementary School

This school year came with uncertainty whether students would be in the classroom. As COVID-19 has brought many new changes within the school system; facial coverings for all students and staff being the biggest change. As part of the Face Coverings for Kids Initiative, Ballard County Extension Homemakers and FCS agent made seven hundred twenty-two (722) sewn cloth face coverings for Ballard County Elementary School students. Which were delivered before class began on August 26th.  All the

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Community Blood Drive

Author: Sarah Drysdale

Major Program: Community Engagement

The Ballard County Extension Office partners with the American Red Cross to host community wide blood drives every other month. The normal average donation has been fourteen (14) units over the last year. FCS agent took over as blood program leader to help organize blood drives, recruitment of volunteers and blood donors. The goal is to increase blood donations to an average of twenty (20) units collected within a year. Blood Donation Drives have always been an essential need for local hospitals

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