Youth development in and out of the classroomPlan of Work
Elliott County CES
Youth development in and out of the classroom
Agents Involved:
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Enhancing Communication skills through public speaking and expressive arts Because the Elliott County 4-H program has always been an integrated part of classroom instruction, the question “What do you want from the 4-H program” was asked of teachers and principals at each elementary school. Each group answered “Communications and public speaking”. Teachers report that with the advent of technology, students don’t communicate as much as they once did so public speaking is even more frightening. However, the teachers, as professionals, understand the need for public speaking skills. Other major issues the teachers mentioned included environment and bullying
Long-Term Outcomes:
Elliott County youth will perform better in interviews and professionally because of their involvement in public speaking programs.
Youth will become environmentally responsible adults
Intermediate Outcomes:
Middle school students will be challenged to speak in front of their peers through a
competitive event
Elementary students (grades 4-6) understand natural world terminology and interconnections of ecosystems and human life
Initial Outcomes:
Elementary students (grades 4-6) will learn the basics of public speaking
Middle School students learn the difference between environmental activism and environmental stewardship.
Initial Outcome: Youth will learn the basics of public speaking
Youth will learn the difference between environmental activism and environmental stewardship.
Indicator: Students learn basics of public speaking
Students learn components of ecosystem
Method: Classroom speaking
Outdoor interactive workshops
Timeline: Spring 20177
Intermediate Outcome: Elementary students (grades 4-6) will be challenged to speak in front of their peers through a competitive event
Middle school students understand natural world terminology and interconnections of ecosystems and human life
Indicator: Number of students involved in competitive event
Method: School competition
Timeline: Spring 2017
Long-term Outcome: Elliott County youth will perform better in interviews and and the challenges of public speaking because of their involvement in the 4-H communications programs.
Youth will become environmentally responsible adults
Indicator: Number of youth engaging in leadership roles
Method: Visual
Timeline: Years in the future
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-6 grade students
Project or Activity: Communications
Content or Curriculum: 4-H curriculum
Inputs: Elliott County School system
Date: Spring 2017
Project or Activity: Outdoor education
Content or Curriculum: Project Learning Tree and Project Wet
Inputs: UK Forestry, Ky Division of Water, Ky Dept of Fish and Wildlife resources
Date: 2016/17 reporting year
Audience: Effective Meetings
Project or Activity: Cllub organization
Content or Curriculum: Various curriculum
Date: 2016/2017 reporting year
Success Stories
Elliott County 4-H Jr. Teen Club
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
On December 15th and 16th 2017, 10 Elliott County Middle School students that serve on the Elliott County 4-H Jr. Teen Council attended a middle school retreat at North Central 4-H Camp. This overnight retreat focused on developing leadership skills, servant leadership, and community development. Members had the opportunity to partake in a camp improvement project, discuss ideas for social and community service activities, and network with other middle school students that participated with thei
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Elliott County Shooting Sports Fosters Leadership
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
In October of 2017, 4 teens from Elliott County Shooting Sports attended the fall coaches certification weekend at Lake Cumberland 4-H Educational Center in Jabez, KY. Prior to this training Elliott County only had 2 certified teen coaches. The four teens that attended the certification workshop were inspired by the opportunity for leadership opportunities in the local and state shooting sports organization. After becoming certified these teens came back to Elliott County and began working on sp
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Elliott County Outdoor Adventure Club Collaborates with Surrounding Counties
Author: Katie Wallace
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Youth in Elliott County are learning that being active doesn't just take place in the gym! Elliott County has partnered with Rowan, Morgan, and Magoffin County 4-H to explore the outdoors and learn valuable life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and communication skills while enjoying nature. These participants have had the opportunity to hike trails in two different counties and are looking forward to kayaking and an overnight camping trip. The collaboration between the four counties has
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