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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Gardeners' Toolbox ClassesPlan of Work

Pulaski County CES

Gardeners' Toolbox Classes
Sound Home Landscape Management
Agents Involved:
Horticulture, Consumer and Home

Home gardeners face a myriad of products and internet information that can confuse even a knowledgeable person. It's easy to find an answer on the many pages of the web, especially those websites promoting a product.

Those planting for their enjoyment at home have a number of choices in what to grow in their landscapes. Getting plants established and caring for them correctly is the next hurdle.

With the right information from Extension, home gardeners can be better stewards of their little patch of earth. Many gardeners feel overwhelmed with pesticide and fertilizer choices, plant choices, and most are not well-versed in soil fertility and which pesticides are the safest and are the most efficacious.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Home gardeners who participate in home horticulture programs from Extension will be successful in their home gardening projects, add value to their homes, and be good stewards of natural resources.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Home gardeners who participate in Extension home gardening programs will feel empowered to complete horticulture projects on their own and be examples to their neighbors of using sound horticultural practices. Participants will respond to pest problems and landscape problems in a judicious way.

Initial Outcomes:

Participants in Extension home horticulture classes will come away with improved knowledge on horticultural topics covered by the different classes.


Initial Outcome: Participants increase knowledge


Method: surveys

Timeline: throughout the year

Intermediate Outcome: Participants respond to landscape problems in a judicious way


Method: phone calls, home visits, surveys, soil tests

Timeline: throughout the year 

Long-term Outcome: Participants have well-managed, sustainable landscapes


Method: follow-ups, phone calls,

Timeline: throughout the year

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Home gardeners

Project or Activity: various classes on home gardening topics

Content or Curriculum: powerpoints, Extension publications

Inputs: Specialists, other Hort agents, Extension publications

Date: throughout year 

Audience: Home gardeners

Project or Activity: Horticulture newsletter

Content or Curriculum: unique articles, Extension publications

Inputs: Specialists, other Hort agents, Extension publications

Date: throughout year 

Audience: all citizens of Pulaski Co

Project or Activity: Newspaper articles

Content or Curriculum: timely updates on home landscape issues, Extension publications, KY Pest News

Inputs: Extension publications, Specialists social media posts or emails, KY Pest News

Date: throughout year 

Audience: all citizens

Project or Activity: social media updates

Content or Curriculum: timely information, interesting information as related to horticulture, environment, or sustainability

Inputs: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Hootsuite app

Date: throughout year