EnvironmentPlan of Work
Metcalfe County CES
Ag Awareness, Production and Marketing
Agents Involved:
Bell, Branstetter, Blankenship
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
Chemical Crop Management Tools
Integrated Plant Pest Management
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests
According to the Kentucky Division of Water, Groundwater Branch, Metcalfe County has areas of moderate to high sensitivity to groundwater pollution.
Much of the land in Metcalfe County is a part of the Green River Watershed and it topography is karst in nature due to a host of springs, caves, and sinkholes. Livestock and crop production in this area is a threat to groundwater and other natural resources in the environment. In order to protect these resources, producers, the general public and youth must become educated so that they can use sound practices that will help keep ground and surface water clean and uncontaminated.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Pollution, contamination, and depletion of our environment and natural resources will be reduced and the positive impact resulting from changed practices will be evident.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Individuals, producers, farm workers, youth, and the general public will adopt practices that will help preserve and protect our environment and the things that are a product of it.
Initial Outcomes:
The audiences mentioned above will gain an awareness of our environment and learn how to protect it by adopting new practices and habits.
Outcome: Initial
Indicator: Knowledge Gained
Method: Survey
Timeline: Ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Private Pesticide Applicators
Project or Activity: Private Applicator Trainings
Content or Curriculum: UK Private Applicator Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, UK Publications, UK Presentations
Date: Winter/Spring 2020
Audience: Commercial Pesticide Applicators
Project or Activity: SOKY Pesticide Trainings
Content or Curriculum: UK/ Industry
Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Industry
Date :December 2019
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Go Green The 3 R’s
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Community Partners
Date :August 19 May 20
Audience: MCA Homemakers
Project or Activity: Homemaker Leader training : Light bulbs 101
Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent compiled materials, UK FCS publications; US Department of Energy materials
Inputs: FCS Agent time, staff assistant time, Extension office meeting space and resources, UK Extension specialist consult time
Date: November 2019
Success Stories
Tree Farmer Field Day
Author: Gary Bell
Major Program: Woodland Education
According to the 2017 Census of Agriculture, Metcalfe County is the home to 138,477 acres of farmland. Of this land, 26% is woodland, totaling just over 36,000 acres. Metcalfe and surrounding counties provide a significant amount of hardwood to the lumber industry and keeping our forests productive is important for the future. Timber stand improvement can be successfully achieved by implementing management practices and utilizing available resources. Over the past several years Bill
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Southern KY Pesticide
Author: Gary Bell
Major Program: Chemical Crop Management Tools
Over six years ago agriculture and horticulture agents in the south part of District 6 developed the Southern Kentucky (SOKY) Commercial Pesticide Training Program for commercial applicators to be able to receive the continuing education hours that they need to be able to maintain their licenses. Of the 12 hours necessary over a three year period, 3 of the hours must be specific topics that relate to their license category. Many applicators were having trouble finding those specific hours withou
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment