Producer Safety, Environmental Protection, and Community EngagementPlan of Work

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Russell County CES

Producer Safety, Environmental Protection, and Community Engagement
Agriculture Safety & Stewardship
Agents Involved:
Jonathan Oakes
Chemical Crop Management Tools
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
4-H Volunteer Programming

Citizens are concerned about the health and well-being of their families. Spending habits of families has shifted to entertainment at home rather than taking family vacations due to travel expenses. Some purchases include ATV’s and other vehicles. Farmers are expanding crop acreages and working long hours to get planting and harvesting completed on schedule. Fatigue is a leading cause for farming accidents. In fact, the incidence of farm accidents increases after 4:00 PM when many part-time farmers are going into the fields.

Farm families, workers and their environment are at risk of injury from food-borne illness, pesticide exposure and environmental contamination. Agriculture is the second most dangerous occupation in Kentucky where we have high rates of ATV fatalities and tractor overturns.

The average age of farmers increases each year.  With less young people returning to the farm, older farmers are doing more and more of the work at an older age.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Have agriculture production noted as a low-risk occupation for injury or illness associated with production practices. Reduce hazards to environment related to farming operations. A better understanding of the environmental stewardship and proper safety procedures in the garden or the field.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Private applicators experience no incidence of poisoning or environmental contamination.

No reports of food borne illness from fresh produce.

No ATV injuries involving children.

Adult farmers have less on-farm accidents.

Initial Outcomes:

Provide programs for safe farming practices and create an awareness to protect workers and the environment by use of safe, environmental friendly farming practices. Increase youth awareness of safety procedures related to the farm and vehicle maintenance. Producers know when to spray for what they are targeting and how to properly do so.


Initial Outcome: Pass a 50 question Private Pesticide Applicator Tests

Indicator: Number of correct answers.

Method: Pre-test/Post Test

Timeline: Yearly

Intermediate Outcome: Youth practice safety procedures and environmental stewardship

Indicator: Accident and environmental measurements

Method: Observation, verbal and written surveys

Timeline: Late Fall

Long-term Outcome: Producers, elected officials, and youth know how to prepare for a disaster.

Indicator:Preparedness level prior to, during, & following a disaster.

Method: Observation, verbal, and written evaluations

Timeline: Yearly

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 3rd Graders

Project or Activity: Farm Safety Day

Content or Curriculum: Various Topics


Date: Fall

Audience: Farmers’ Market Vendors & Commercial Vegetable growers

Project or Activity:Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training

Content or Curriculum: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training Materials

Inputs: As Needed


Audience: Tobacco Producers

Project or Activity: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training

Content or Curriculum: Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Training Materials


Date: As Needed

Main Audience: Commercial Farmers

Activity: Pesticide Training

Content or Curriculum: Pesticide Training Materials

Date: As Needed

Main Audience: Business Members

Activity: Ag Advancement Council

Content or Curriculum: Various Topics

Date: Every Other Month (odd months)

Main Audience: Producers & Leaders

Activity: ANR Program Council

Content or Curriculum: Programming Ideas

Date: Spring & Fall

Main Audience: Agri-tourism Businesses

Activity: Legality Training

Content or Curriculum: Insurance needs, contracts, etc.

Date: As Needed

Main Audience: New Beginning Farmers

Activity: Agriculture 101

Content or Curriculum: Soil Testing, Resource Management, Cost-Share Opportunities, etc.

Date: As Needed

Main Audience: Adult Farmers

Activity: Adult Farmer Safety Training

Content: Various Topics

Date: Spring or Fall

Success Stories

District 5 Face Shield Assembly

Author: Jonathan Oakes

Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service empowers communities to respond to challenges they face and reacting to the COVID-19 pandemic has been no different. One of the first challenges identified was that health care facilities throughout the state did not have enough personal protective equipment for frontline workers to do their jobs during the pandemic. Cooperative Extension staff collaborated with Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS) across the state to help address the lac

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Farm and Home Safety

Author: Jonathan Oakes

Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

The Russell County landscape is home to an assortment of terrains.  The county is home to large amounts of farmland, woodlands, streams, rivers and a large lake.  Russell County Extension Office held its annual Progressive Farm Safety Day in conjunction with the Progressive Ag Foundation and hosted approximately 200, 3rd grade students from the county.  The farm safety day was also attended by approximately 40 teachers, and community volunteers to help make the day a success.This

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