Family Resource ManagementPlan of Work
Montgomery County CES
Family Resource Management
Securing Financial Stability
Agents Involved:
Comer & Hamilton
Securing Financial Stability (general)
Money Habitudes
4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
Good Credit Game
Kentucky consistently lags behind other areas of the United States in household income indicators, including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment and revolving debt loads. The median household income is $40,267 compared to the US median income of $51,017. According to SAIPE 2011 estimate, 21.3% of Montgomery County's population is living in poverty and 31.6% of children under 18 are in poverty.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Number of clientele reporting improved family financial stability and economic well-being.
•Increase the number of clientele reporting improved privacy security measures and reduction in reports of financial fraudulent matters across the state.
•Individuals and families are increasing their income as well as maximizing income resources consumption.
•Improve the quality of life for Kentuckians resulting in stronger families.
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Adopt short, mid and long term financial planning strategies.
•Adopt privacy protection measures; annual, semi-annual, or quarterly credit-checking practices; and better recognition of fraudulent attempts from outside sources.
•Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
•Demonstrate practical living skills related to economic or enterprise development, as well as seeking to ascertain advance education credentials.
•Practice one or more resource management behaviors resulting in increased savings or investments.
Initial Outcomes:
•Youth and adults show increased knowledge/skills in managing financial/ non-financial resources.
•Participants increase understanding of their consumer rights and privacy protection measures.
•Change knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes to improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
•Increase financial literacy related to savings and investments.
Initial Outcome: Montgomery County participants will gain knowledge and increase their skills related to money management.
Indicator: Total number of program participants reached through different learning opportunities that gain knowledge about effective money management.
Method: Pre & Post Evaluations
Timeline: Before & after programs & events
Intermediate Outcome: Montgomery County participants will adopt short, mid and long term financial planning strategies.
Indicator: The number of program participants that report a change in their financial behaviors.
Method: Surveys, observations, follow-up evaluations 3 months after programs
Timeline: FY 2019-20
Long-term Outcome: Participants will improve their family financial stability and economic well-being.
Indicator: The number of participants that demonstrate a positive change regarding their financial health.
Method: Pre and post tests, personal testimonies, observations & surveys
Timeline: On-going, Follow-up evaluations conducted after a 6 month period and beyond the program.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth, preschool through grade 12,Low Income/Low Literacy adults, College Students, General Public, Young adults, Organizations, Community partners, Businesses, Parents, grandparents, Headstart parents & staff, & community members.
Project or Activity: Money Management
Content or Curriculum: CES MITT Resources & Publications
•Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service (CES) agents, program assistants, specialists, and volunteers
•Kentucky CES publications and resources including:
-Managing in Tough Times (MITT )Initiative
-MoneyWi$e website
-Ky. High School Financial Planning Program (KHSFPP) website
-Community and Economic Development in Kentucky (CEDIK) Initiative
•eXtension resources
•Family Development & Management (FDM)
•Local, state and federal resources
-KY Attorney General’s Office
-KY Housing Authority
-Security and Exchange Commission (SEC)
-Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
-U.S. Census Bureau
-Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
-National Endowment for Financial Management
-National Consumer League
•Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
•Jump Start Coalition
•Non-profit organizations (e.g. AARP, United Way, faith-based organizations)
Date: FY 2019-2020
Audience: Youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: It's Your Reality
Content or Curriculum: It's Your Reality/ Dollars and Sense curriculum
Inputs: CES agents and volunteers; resources for "Reality Store" events
Date: September 2019 - April 2020
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
Program To Go
Author: Sarah Congleton
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

People are facing numerous challenges because the COVID-19 pandemic has spread across Kentucky so quickly. The Governor has restricted access to various locations throughout Kentucky that are labeled nonessential and has issued a stay at home order. The result of the stay at home order means that people have shuffled their schedules and daily tasks immensely and are now either working remotely or not working at all. As weeks pass, one of the challenges that people are seeing is how to entertain
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