Building Strong FamiliesPlan of Work
Greenup County CES
Building Strong Families
Developing and Enhancing Life Skills
Agents Involved:
Pullin, Boyd, Hieneman, Stephens
Master Clothing Volunteer
4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
4-H Agriculture Core Curriculum AND Natural Resources
4-H Youth Development Programming
The Greenup County Extension Council has identified building life skills for families and positive youth development as an important program for our county.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Community members of all ages are prepared to be independent, successful citizens, and future volunteers.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Community members of all ages attend classes and master various new life skills while they learn about responsibility and character building.
Initial Outcomes:
The agents and volunteers coordinate events and workshops for community members of all ages.
Outcome: Initial: planning meetings
Indicator: yearly schedule of events and educational programs
Method: CEC will continue to map programming across all areas
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Intermediate: Reported contacts in all program areas
Indicator: reporting records
Method: agent staff meetings
Timeline: ongoing
Outcome: Long-term: strong community
Indicator: surveys and questionnaires
Method: pre and post event surveys
Timeline: ongoing
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Greenup County Families
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: classes to be determined by counties that camp together
Inputs: Agents, camp staff, volunteers
Date: summer
Audience: Greenup County Families
Project or Activity: 4-H Community Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Varies based on Club
Inputs: Agents, Staff, Volunteers
Date: Ongoing throughout the year
Audience: Greenup County Schools
Project or Activity: Communication Contest
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications
Inputs: Agents, Teachers, Volunteers, school staff
Date: Spring/Summer ongoing
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: 4-H/FCS
Inputs: Agents, School Staff, Volunteers
Date: Fall ongoing
Audience: Community Members
Project or Activity: Master Gardeners
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener
Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Community Guests
Date: , Fall or Spring 2019
Project or Activity: Sewing Classes
Content or Curriculum: KY Master Clothing Volunteer
Inputs: Master Clothing Volunteers
Date: March 2020
Success Stories
Extension on the Move
Author: Lora Pullin
Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Extension programming has been suddenly required to shift from face-to-face contact with clientele to a mostly digital communication platform due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Greenup County office has made significant changes to the way in which we connect with our community. While we have embraced the technology that allows us to connect with people using the internet, we recognize that not all of our Extension program consumers have the capability or the desire to use technology every
Full Story
Extension on the Move
Author: Christopher Boyd
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

Extension programming has been suddenly required to shift from face-to-face contact with clientele to a mostly digital communication platform due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The Greenup County office has made significant changes to the way in which we connect with our community. While we have embraced the technology that allows us to connect with people using the internet, we recognize that not all of our Extension program consumers have the capability or the desire to use technology every
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment