Accessing Nutritious Foods 2Plan of Work

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Shelby County CES

Accessing Nutritious Foods 2
Healthy Lifestyles
Agents Involved:
Sheila Fawbush
Food Preparation
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Food Preservation

Nutrition education programs and local food systems help families gain access to food and stretch food dollars, help communities decrease hunger, and help local food assistance programs to educate recipients on healthy and safe food preparation methods. Agents, paraprofessionals and volunteers are pivotal in influencing policies, systems and environments and in training consumers and producers to maximize local access to food products from farm to table.

Long-Term Outcomes:


*Families will increase their consumption of fruits and vegetables

*Families will gain access to food and stretch food dollars

*Access to local foods in restaurants, retail outlets, schools and other institutions is increased

*Consumer confidence in and demand for local foods is maintained or increased

*The public has a positive perception of Extension professionals as reliable sources for food access information.

* Shelby Countians improve food management skills and adopt healthy eating habits.

* People accessing emergency food sources will select from nutrient dense items.

* Hunger is decreased.

* Shelby Countians will see a reduction in the percentage of individuals with diabetes and in overweight and obese adults and children.

Intermediate Outcomes:


*Increase number of people who access local foods

*Increase number of people who apply improved food preparation skills, food management skills, food safety and healthy eating habits

*Increase number of youth and adults who plant, harvest and/or preserve produce

*Hunger is decreased

*Producers and consumers apply food safety practices and/or procedures

*Producers earn certification for Home Based Microprocessing

*Number of households accessing emergency food sources.

Initial Outcomes:

*Increase KOSA in healthy eating, food safety and food resource management

*Increase awareness of availability of fresh, local produce

*Increase KOSA in growing, preparing and preserving food

*Increase food safety handling procedures

*Understand procedures for safe food processing

*Learn about community support services to increase food security

*Understand the importance of sustainable local agriculture to individual health and financial well-being


Initial Outcome: Increase KOSA in healthy eating, food preparation, food safety and food resource management. Increase KOSA in understanding sustainable, local agriculture to individual health and financial well-being.

Indicator: Number who gained KOSA in understanding in healthy eating, food preparation, food safety and food resource management and increased KOSA in understanding sustainable, local agriculture to individual health and financial well-being.

Method: End of program evaluations and self-reporting, EFNEP WebNEERS, SNAP-Ed

Timeline: Quarterly

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals access more local foods. Individuals plant, harvest and/or preserve their own food. Individuals apply improved food preparation, management and food safety skills. Individuals share new KOSA with others.

Indicator: Number of individuals purchasing, planting, harvesting and/or preserving, preparing local foods safely. Number of individuals applying improved food preparation, management and food safety skills.

Method: End-of-series surveys, observation

Timeline: Quarterly

Long-term Outcome: Shelby Countians increase access to fruits and vegetables. Families eat healthy, nutritious foods. Individuals and institutions seek first to utilize locally grown foods.

Indicator: Number of individuals who increased consumption of fruits and vegetables. Decreased number of families who do not have adequate foods. Number of individuals and institutions who utilize locally grown foods.

Method: Self-reporting and observation and statistical data

Timeline: Year-to-year over next decade

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Farmers Market Participants

Project or Activity: Farmers Market Demos

Content or Curriculum: FCS publications, FSNEP Publication, HEEL resources

Inputs: CES publications, Plate It Up recipes

Date: Jul - Aug 2019; Jun 2020

Audience: Elementary age youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Nutrition School Clubs

Content or Curriculum: USDA Choose My Plate, Professor Popcorn, FCS publications, Chop Chop

Inputs: CES publications

Date: Mar 2020

Audience: Youth

Project or Activity: Kids in the Kitchen

Content or Curriculum: USDA Choose My Plate, Professor Popcorn, FCS publications, Soap & Detergent Association materials, SNAP-ED

Inputs: publications, volunteers

Date: Jul 2019

Audience: Senior Citizens

Project or Activity: Senior Citizen Nutrition Programs

Content or Curriculum: USDA Choose My Plate, Plate It Up recipes, various nutrition topics

Inputs: FCS publications, HEEL resources, USDA Choose My Plate, Plate It Up recipes, Senior Nutrition and Health News

Date: Jul 2019 - Jun 2020 (monthly)

Audience: Head Start and Low Income Families

Project or Activity: Nutrition for Preschool Families; Community Baby Shower

Content or Curriculum: Assorted Nutrition Topics

Inputs: FCS publications, HEEL resources, EFNEP, SNAP-ed, USDA Choose My Plate and Spanish materials

Date: Nov 2019 Apr 2020

Audience: Family Literacy Participants

Project or Activity: SNAP Series

Content or Curriculum: SNAP curriculum, Spanish materials

Inputs: SNAP curriculum and incentives, Spanish materials

Date: Nov 2019 and Mar 2020

Audience: Families at Food Distribution Site

Project or Activity: Demonstrations at Food Distribution Site

Content or Curriculum: Assorted nutrition topics; food sampling; recipes

Inputs: Plate It Up recipes, FCS publications, SNAP ED, Choose My Plate

Date: Monthly, Jul 2019- Jun 2020

Audience: Youth and Adults, Families

Project or Activity: Demonstrations at Operation Care/Pregnancy Support Center/God's Kitchen

Content or Curriculum: Assorted nutrition topics; food sampling; recipes

Inputs: Plate It Up recipes, FCS publications, SNAP ED, Choose My Plate

Date: Bi-Monthly, Jul 2019- Jun 2020

Audience: Individuals/Families

Project or Activity: Canning Workshops

Content or Curriculum: Vegetable Canning

Inputs: FCS Publications; So Easy to Preserve, Blue Book

Date: Jul, Aug 2019

Audience: Elementary School-Age Families

Project or Activity: Hands-On "Healthy Choices"

Content or Curriculum: My Plate Yummy - K-2

Inputs: Choose My Plate. gov, CES publications

Date: As scheduled by FRYSCS 2019-2020

Audience: Adults

Project or Activity: Plate It Up! Cooking Club

Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up recipes, FCS publications

Inputs: Pride of Kentucky, CES publications, members' choices

Date: monthly Sep 2019 - May 2020

Audience: After School Care Youth

Project or Activity: Nutrition Programs

Content or Curriculum: SNAP Series of Youth Classes

Inputs: SNAP materials

Date: Sep - Nov 2019, Feb - Apr 2020

Audience: Transitional Housing Residents - Open Door

Project or Activity: Nutrition Programs

Content or Curriculum: SNAP Series of Adult Classes

Inputs: SNAP Materials

Date: Feb - Apr 2020

Audience: Church Members

Project or Activity: Nutrition Programs

Content or Curriculum: SNAP Series of Adult Classes

Inputs: SNAP Materials

Date: Sep - Nov 2019

Audience: Seniors/Disabled

Project or Activity: Shelby House

Content or Curriculum: SNAP

Inputs: SNAP Materials

Date: Nov 2019 - July 2020

Audience: Adult & Youth 

Project or Activity: Job Corps

Content or Curriculum: Youth


Date: September 2019 - June 2020

Audience: Extension Homemakers & other adults

Project or Activity:The Buzz about Honey

Content or Curriculum: UK publications

Inputs: UK publications

Date: February - March 2020

Audience: Extension Homemakers & other adults

Project or Activity: Sweet Enough without Sugar

Content or Curriculum: UK publications

Inputs: UK publications

Date: September - October 2019

Audience: Limited Resource Youth

Project or Activity: Super Star Chef

Content or Curriculum: UK publications

Inputs: Teaching Team

Date: August 2019

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