Better Living Through 4-H ProgrammingPlan of Work
Martin County CES
Better Living Through 4-H Programming
4-H Family and Consumer Science
Agents Involved:
4-H Communications and Expressive Arts Core Curriculum
4-H Leadership Core Curriculum
Over the last 25 years, the number of stay-at-home parents has decreased. Parents have increasingly relied on schools to teach concepts and skills once taught within the family. With societal changes and cuts in school budgets, many schools have eliminated family and consumer science labs and no longer include or have decreased FCS instruction in the curriculum. In nutrition alone, the lack of basic life skills is evidenced by alarming rises in childhood obesity, poor diets of youth of all ages, and an overreliance on packaged/fast food.
Life choices are often based more on personal desires rather than factual information. Those who seek information often turn to internet sources which may not be based in research. Decision-making may be based on product marketing claims, family tradition, myths, faulty information, and lack of knowledge. Today’s massive health and economic problems are due in part to the lack of instruction in the home by parents and in school through Family and Consumer Sciences classes.
4-H offers projects in FCS which assist youth toward becoming responsible and contributing members of the family and contributing members of Kentucky communities. At the same time, these life skills prepare youth for the families they will establish as adults.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Be engaged citizens and community leaders
•Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members.
•Childhood obesity and cost of health care will be reduced
•Be more likely to complete high school, pursue post- secondary education and be contributing individuals, family members and citizens
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Apply skills to projects and life situations
•Project a positive image and self-confidence
•Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making
•Be responsible, contributing, caring members of the family
•Practice healthy eating choices
•Exhibit habits that contribute toward safe, pleasant, and productive family life
•Exhibit habits and skills that contribute toward an employable future
Initial Outcomes:
•Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences
•Explain decisions
•Make positive choices
•Make decisions about his/her project based on information and experiment
•Display creativity
•Develop connectedness with other youth and adults
•Strengthen his/her individual identity and motivation
•Increase self-esteem and gain self-confidence.
•Express a desire to help others.
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences Indicator.
Method: Pre and Post Tests
Timeline: July - December (2016-2020)
Intermediate Outcome: Youth will project a positive self image of themselves and make health choices.
Indicator: Increase in number of youth applying skills to live a healthy and well rounded life style.
Method: Pre and Post Tests
Timeline: january - June (2016-2020)
Long-term Outcome: Youth will become productive members of society.
Indicator: Martin County will have an increased number of college and wok ready students, an increase in community leaders, a decrease in obesity and more family ready citizens.
Method: Observation
Timeline: 4 Years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Grades 9-12
Project or Activity: In -School Sewing Clubs
Content or Curriculum: 4-H sewing curriculum and Instructor expertise
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, High School Facilities
Date: September - May (2016-2020)
Audience: Youth Age 9-14
Project or Activity: After School Sewing Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Sewing Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Extension Facilities
Date: Year Long (2016-2020)
Audience: High School Sophomores
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: Reality Store, World of Work
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Centers, Teen Volunteers, Community Partners, Extension Resources, High School Facilities
Date: Fall Semester (2016-2020)
Audience: High School
Project or Activity: Workforce Preparation
Content or Curriculum: Workforce Preparation, Resume Resources
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Centers, Teen Volunteers, Extension Resources, High School FacilitiesDate: Spring Semester
Audience: 4th and 5th Grade
Project or Activity: In-School Clubs
Content or Curriculum: Professor Popcorn
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Centers, Extension Resources, Elementary School Facilities
Date: September - May (2016-2020)
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Summer Day Camps
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Health Curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Centers, Teen Volunteers, Community Partners, Extension Resources, Summer Food Program
Date: June (2016-2020)
Audience: 8th grade
Project or Activity: This Is Your Reality
Content: This Is Your Reality
Inputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Groups, Middle School Facility
Date March - April
Audience: 8th Grade
Project or Activity: Career Fair/Operation Preparation
Content: Local Expertise
Imputs: Agent, Staff, Volunteers, Teachers, Youth Service Groups, Middle School Facility
Success Stories
A Record Year for 4-H Camp
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
According to data USA, as of 2017, Martin County had a median household income of only $29,000 and a poverty rate of almost 30%. These numbers are well below the Kentucky and national averages of 46,000 and 57,000 respectively. Poverty rates for all of Kentucky are 18% and 11% nationally. All schools in Martin County qualify for the national free lunch program. These statistics alone provide barriers for youth in Martin County to have a great quality of life. When p
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Heritage Days
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
The Martin County Cooperative Extension Service participates in Heritage Days at each elementary school and the middle school every year. Volunteers from the Martin County Beekeepers Association, Homemakers, Extension District Board, CEC Council and 4-H Council work closely with school system to host these wonderful days of learning at each school. Introducing beekeeping to students is vital because it has a long history of being one of the most important contributors to the productio
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Gaining a Sense of Accomplishment through Sewing Clubs
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: 4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
As we progress in to the 21st century a number of factors have gained prevalence within Family and Consumer Science driven by the increase of online and mobile shopping, the rise of video based at home tutorials, and the shifting family structures as evident by 17% of stay-at-home parents being fathers. The ever-changing landscape of the family and the consumer highlights the need for a responsive and innovative FCS program while also providing the basic needs that all families have as they navi
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4-H Youth Fitness Calendar
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: 4-H Health Core Curriculum
According to Martin County has an obesity rate of 65%. Kentucky as a state is 35%. This is an alarmingly high number. Healthy Living is one of three 4-H mission mandates. Physical activity is a component of this mandate. Providing physical education to Martin County Youth is very important.“Moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, stress and high blood pressure. Physically active peop
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KY Volunteer Forum
Author: Joe Maynard
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
Since the beginning of my career as a 4-H Agent 2004, recruiting volunteers has been a very challenging part of the job. Martin County is a very small community and the culture is very different than most places. When it comes to volunteering, people choose to remain silent and help behind the scenes. I have found creative ways to recruit and retain volunteers over the years but still need vast improvement in this area. One recruiting tool over the years has been the Kent
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment