Economic, Social, and Physical Well-Being of Individuals and FamiliesPlan of Work
Butler County CES
Economic, Social, and Physical Well-Being of Individuals and Families
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Mold and Moisture Module
Faithful Families
Nurturing Fathers
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Family stability is affected by increased stress, physical and emotional health, finances, relationships, and ineffective communications. Extension has helpful resources to offer and strengthen the vitality of the family system, resulting in family stability that benefits the well-being of adults and children.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Practice parental leadership skills. Access community resources with needs. Number of people reported eating more foods for purpose of improving health.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships. Identify realistic expectations for child’s task. Parental behavior changes sustained.
Initial Outcomes:
Intends to manage stress, make time for self, teach responsibility, etc. Parental knowledge gained and intent to implement behaviors. Number of individuals reporting improved personal knowledge and skills of healthy eating habits and positive discipline for children.
Initial Outcome: Parental knowledge gained and intent to implement behavior
Indicator: Number who use the behaviors in session
Method: End of session evaluation tool
Timeline: Year long programs July 2019- June 2020
Intermediate Outcome: Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships
Indicator: Number of parents/families who report using/practicing methods in materials
Method: Follow-up evaluation and family interviews
Timeline: Year long programs July 2019- June 2020
Long-term Outcome: Number of people reported eating more foods for purpose of improving health
Indicator: Number who implement better eating habits
Method: Reports who implement practices
Timeline: Year Long programs July 2019- June 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Families
Project or Activity: Parenting, Nurturing Parenting, Nurturing Fathers
Content or Curriculum: Nurturing Families, Basic Parenting skills 24/7 day
Inputs: CES, Dept. of Services
Date: as needed basis July 1019- June 2020
Audience: Head Start Parent/Grandparents/Owl Academy/Families
Project or Activity: Home is Where the Health Is
Content or Curriculum: Home is Where the Health Is
Inputs: CES, Head Start, KEHA
Date: Fall-November 2019 - February 2020
Audience: Families
Project or Activity: Faithful Families
Content or Curriculum: Faithful Families
Inputs: CES, Specialist, Clergy
Date:July 2019-June 2020
Success Stories
A Lost Art
Author: Tracy Cowles
Major Program: Artistic Skill Development
In today’s society, basic life skills such as sewing has become a lost art. “Sewing is a discipline that helps develop self-esteem, confidence, focus, patience, fine motor skills, problem solving, process thinking and visualization. The Family & Consumer Science Agent started teaching sewing classes eight years ago due to the interest of several youth wanting to learn how during the summer. Five youth participated in the series, learning the basic techniques, making a laund
Full Story
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