Leadership Development & VolunteerismPlan of Work
Lincoln County CES
Leadership Development & Volunteerism
Strengthening Indviduals & Families
Agents Involved:
Courtney Brock, Rita Stewart
Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
4-H Family and Consumer Science Core Curriculum
Building the capacity of volunteer leaders is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long-term commitment to strengthen families. The hourly value of volunteer time is $24.14, a cost that county programs could not provide to salaried staff. Strong leaders are vital to the future of our communities, and to the organizations with whom Cooperative Extension works. Workshops, conferences, and training programs to build leadership skills of clientele will continue to be a vital part of Extension. These leaders form the basis of our support mechanism and are an asset to their communities.
Long-Term Outcomes:
The health and economic stability of Kentucky communities is strengthened through strong, vocal, and organizational leadership. Extension leaders will assist others to improve various aspects of their lives. Individuals will enhance personal, interpersonal, and group leadership skills. Groups and/or committees will have stronger, more productive leaders to address public issues and solve community problems. Youth and adults will serve as leaders in their clubs and communities.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth and adults will participate in workshops and programs and will accept leadership positions on the county, area, and state levels. Leaders will demonstrate increased confidence in conducting and organizing meetings and activities. Council members and leaders will increase their roles in decision making and planning. They will be actively involved in the planning of various county, area, and state programs. Leaders will have improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and need. They will apply skills to assess needs, develop program and implement solutions. Youth will learn basic parliamentary procedure skills and conduct monthly club meetings.
Initial Outcomes:
Extension leaders will increase their knowledge and skills in personal, organizational, and community leadership. In doing so, they will increase their knowledge of effective meeting skills, leadership styles, team building skills, and of the many Extension programs and services available to all people. Youth and adults will acquire skills and knowledge that will help them become more effective leaders. Youth will gain knowledge of democratic processes, the duties of club officers and how to conduct a business meeting.
Long-Term Outcome: Extension leaders will seek out opportunities to increase the economic success and stability of their local communities
Indicator: Improved quality of life for residents in the county
Method: Observation, case histories, program outcomes, evaluations, health reports, etc.
Timeline: All year; 3-5 years.
Intermediate Outcome: Extension-trained leaders will practice personal leadership skills in clubs, school, and community outreach.
Indicator: Extension-trained leaders will practice personal leadership skills in clubs, school, and community outreach.
Method: Observations, case histories, program outcomes, survey evaluations, etc.
Timeline: All year
Initial Outcome: Evidence of leaders becoming more involved in planning and conducting educational programs and serving in leadership roles
Indicator: Leaders will become more involved in planning, conducting, and evaluating educational programs.
Method: Documentation of roles assumed by leaders, observations, case histories, evaluations or surveys at end of year
Timeline: All year
Outcome: Initial
Indicator: Increase in knowledge of leadership skills, community leadership, in organizational leadership, and the assumption of leadership roles
Method: Observation of changes in leadership roles assumed by adults and youth in Extension programs
Timeline: All Year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Officers, Chairpersons, and General Public
Activity: Officer and chairperson training for Extension Homemaker Members and others interested
Content or Curriculum: State and local chairpersons, officer training guidelines, ELK materials, and KELD materials
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library,Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Fall
Audience: Extension Homemakers and General Public
Activity: Leader Trainings
Content or Curriculum: State and local chairpersons, officer training guidelines, ELK materials, and KELD materials
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Monthly during the year
Audience: 4-H Club Members & Officers
Activity: 4-H Club Officer Training
Content or Curriculum-4-H Officer Handbook
Inputs:Community Partners: County Extension Council Members, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Chamber of Commerce, School system, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date-All year at club meetings
Audience: 4-H Council Members
Activity: County 4-H Council Meetings
Content or curriculum-State, District & Local Information, program planning/evaluation, issues identification, leadership development.
Inputs:Community Partners: County Extension Council Members, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Chamber of Commerce, School system, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Fall, Winter and Spring (3 meetings)
Audience: Camp Leaders
Activity: 4-H Camp Leader and JC Training
Content or Curriculum-4-H Camp Handbook and Youth Protection/Risk Management
Inputs:Community Partners: County Extension Agents, Ephraim McDowell Hospital Fort Logan Hospital, County Extension Council Members, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Chamber of Commerce, School system, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, Boyle County Extension Office, Powell County Extension Office, Feltner 4-H Camp Facilities, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Summer
Audience: Extension Homemaker Members
Activity: Statewide leadership Seminar/Training at KEHA State Meeting/Area Leadership Training
Content or Curriculum: FCS materials
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Extension Homemaker Club Meetings
Content or Curriculum: KEHA materials, UK publications from leader trainings, meetings, etc. - leadership development, community service, and educational opportunities
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Extension Homemakers Council Meetings
Content or Curriculum: KEHA materials
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All Year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Extension Homemakers Executive Council Meeting
Content or Curriculum: KEHA materials
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: July/August
Audience: Committee Members
Activity: County and Craft Camp Committee Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development, Program Planning, Implementation, Evaluation
Inputs:Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All Year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Champion Food Vounteer Program
Content or Curriculum: FCS Champion Food Volunteer Curriculum
Inputs:Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All year
Audience: General Public
Activity: County Craft Camp Workshops taught by Extension Homemaker members
Content or Curriculum: State, local information, program planning/evaluation. issues identification, leadership development, etc.
Inputs:Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All year
Audience: CEC Members
Activity: County Extension Council Meetings
Content or Curriculum: State, local information, program planning/evaluation, issues identification, leadership development, etc.
Inputs:Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Meets 2 times each year--spring & fall
Audience: District Board Members
Activity: District Board Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Extension-related information and guidance
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All Year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: County, Area, and State Meeting Participation and Attendance
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library,Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: All Year
Audience: Extension Homemakers and General Public
Activity: Extension Homemakers International Night Event
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development, Cultural Diversity Experience
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Various Extension Homemakers Community Service Projects (club, county, area, and state levels)
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development and other FCS publications
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Date: All Year
Audience: Extension Homemakers
Activity: Various Extension Homemakers Sponsored Programs -- Leader Organized and Led Events (club, county, area, and state levels)
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development and other FCS publications
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Date: All Year
Audience: General Public
Activity: FCS Leadership Book Reading Series
Content or Curriculum: KELD Curriculum and Other FCS Leadership Information
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library,Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Fall
Audience: General Public
Activity: FCS Program Advisory Council Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Needs/issues identification, program planning, evaluation
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Lincoln County Public Library,Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Meets 2 times per year
Audience: Farmers
Activity: Assisting Commodity Groups and Farm Organizations
Content or Curriculum: Lincoln County Cattlemen's Association, Produce Co-op, Lincoln County Farm Bureau, Ky. Farm Bureau, Ky. Cattlemen's, Farmer's Market Association, Lincoln County Chamber of Commerce, Lincoln Co. Fair, Lincoln County Beekeepers, Lincoln County Ag Development Board
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: Monthly meetings, annual meeting, board activities
Audience: Community Businesses and Organizations
Activity: 4-H Reality Store Committee
Content or Curriculum: Reality Store Curriculum, Census Data, Leadership Development, Program Planning
Inputs: Community Partners: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, Fair Board, County Extension Council Members, Farm Bureau, 4-H Council Members, District Board Members, Goat Association, Chamber of Commerce, School system, Vo-Ag program, Dairy Association, Main St. Renaissance Program, Farmers Market Association, local business owners, others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, schools, others depending upon the specific program
Date: January-May
Audience: 4-H Council Members and Committees
Activity: 4-H Achievement Banquet
Content or Curriculum: Annual recognition event for outstanding 4-H achievement at county, district, state, and/or national levels
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office
Date: Fall
Audience: 4-H Volunteers (teens and/or adults)
Activity: Kentucky 4-H Volunteer Forum
Content or Curriculum: The Kentucky 4-H Volunteer forum is a bi-annual leadership conference for 4-H volunteers. A 4-H volunteer is anyone who contributes time, energy or talent to the Kentucky 4-H Youth Development Program and is not paid by University of Kentucky funds. These volunteer roles involve working directly with other; others do not. There are seven specific types of 4-H volunteer roles in Kentucky. These include Community Club Leader, Project Club Leader, Special Interest Volunteer, School Enrichment Volunteer, 4-H Committee Member, 4-H Council Member or 4-H Youth Volunteer.
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, local business owners, Kentucky State 4-H Specialists, Kentucky 4-H Agents and other volunteers, and others.
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, Lexington-area hotel and/or convention center.
Date: February 2020, February 2022
Audience: Senior 4-H Members
Activity: Kentucky 4-H Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: The Kentucky 4-H State Teen Council is made up of 6 selected delegates from each of the seven districts in Kentucky. They are selected at the district level and serve for two years. As a member of the State Teen Council, youth help to plan the 4-H Teen Conference, review educational materials for teens, learn about teamwork and leadership, assist with the Kentucky Teen Summit (program for 6th-8th grade youth) and much more. All participants are expected to attend all meetings and events, come prepared to work and contribute to the best of their ability and to represent the best that Kentucky 4-H can offer.
Inputs: Community Partners include State 4-H Specialists, STC Contact Agents, 4-H Council Members, local business owners, and others.
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office
Date: Two-year terms, September thru June
Audience: Senior 4-H Members
Activity: District 4 4-H Teen Council
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Fayette County Extension Office, Madison County Extension Office, North Central 4-H Camp and/or Feltner 4-H Camp, and the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Center.
Date: August – June
Audience: Senior 4-H Members
Activity: District 4 4-H Teen Retreat
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Fayette County Extension Office, Madison County Extension Office, North Central 4-H Camp and/or Feltner 4-H Camp, and the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Center.
Date: Winter
Audience: Middle School age youth and Senior 4-H Members
Activity: District 4 Middle School 4-H Retreat
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Fayette County Extension Office, Madison County Extension Office, North Central 4-H Camp and/or Feltner 4-H Camp, and the Kentucky 4-H Leadership Center.
Date: Fall
Audience: Senior 4-H Members
Activity: Issues Conference
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Youth who participate in Issues Conference are exposed to a variety of opportunities for personal development. Leadership activities help youth develop confidence, improve their self-esteem, enhance their communication skills, understand the importance of diversity, learn effective decision making methods, and experience problem-solving situations.
Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Kentucky 4-H Leadership Center.
Date: Fall
Audience: Middle School age youth
Activity: Kentucky 4-H Summit
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Kentucky 4-H Leadership Center.
Date: March
Audience: High school age youth
Activity: Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: University of Kentucky
Date: June
Audience: High school age youth
Activity: Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Crossville, TN 4-H Center
Date: September
Audience: School age youth
Activity: 4-H Capital Experience
Content or Curriculum: The Capitol Experience is an opportunity for youth from across the Commonwealth of Kentucky to come to Frankfort during a Congressional session. While there, they have the opportunity to visit their legislators, view a committee meeting or meet representatives from government agencies. Additionally, they may have the chance to tour the Governor’s Mansion or the Capitol, visit the House and Senate and hear a presentation from the Governor. Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Kentucky State Capital
Date: February or March
Audience: 6th-12th grade youth
Activity: 4-H Teen Club
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Lincoln County Extension Office, others
Date: September – June
Audience: High school age youth
Activity: Camp Counselor Volunteerism, including training
Content or Curriculum: Camp training handbook, Unlock Your Leadership Potential, Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Lincoln, Boyle, and Powell County Extension Offices, Feltner 4-H Camp, etc.
Date: May – July
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Achievement Program
Content or Curriculum: The 4-H Achievement Program is intended to recognize 4-H participants who have outstanding accomplishments and to provide incentive for youth to increase their knowledge, skills and abilities. Every effort is made to make this 4-H program inclusive to all eligible youth.
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, state Extension Specialists, District 4 4-H Agents, Club leaders, local business owners, and others
Facilities Used: Various
Date: September – May, annually
Audience: Middle school youth
Activity: Outdoor Adventure Club
Core: 4-H health and natural resources curriculum
Inputs: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, livestock leaders, volunteer leaders, local schools, Lincoln County Fair Board, Vo-Ag Program, Farm Bureau, Early Childhood and Head Start Programs, physical therapy offices, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Center, local businesses, hospitals.
Facilities used will include the Lincoln County Extension Office, Lincoln County Schools (high, middle, and elementary), local businesses, various other community agencies, statewide outdoors attractions, etc.
Date: Spring and Summer
Success Stories
Youth Travel the world with 4-H
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: 4-H Leadership Core Curriculum

Kentucky 4-H's mission is to help young people become self-directing, productive and contributing members of society. In order to help meet these objectives in an increasingly global society, Lincoln County 4-H, in partnership with Scott County 4-H, created an international environmental citizenship project to aid members in their practice of leadership skills, responsibility, and problem solving. Youth involved in the program participated in intensive cult
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Volunteer Forum
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: 4-H Volunteer Programming
4-H youth development programs within Extension depend heavily on adult volunteers and provide extensive education to volunteer leaders. Effective training programs enable volunteer leaders to develop skillsets, receive rewards, and experience social affiliation. These may include workshops, in-services, conferences, or forums. 4-H Volunteer Forums are held during the even-numbered years with the purpose of increasing the capacity of volunteers and staff to contribute to the mission of 4-H Youth
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Making a Positive Difference During Uncertain Times
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Members of the Lincoln County Extension Homemakers Association are truly leaders in their communities and are making a positive difference during uncertain times. Members work hard at the club, county, area, and state levels. My role as a Family and Consumers Sciences Agent is both an advisory role and a teaching role. I offer assistance as needed and teach educational classes on a variety of topics, including leadership development. Members utilize the skills learned in Extension programs in th
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Leading Healthy Community Connections Leadership Program
Author: Rita Stewart
Major Program: Empowering Community Leaders (general)
Leading Healthy Community Connections is an engaging leadership program designed to explore the policies, systems and environment that shape community activities and interactions. The five session program starts with a shared read of the book “That’s Not How We Do It Here”, and then walks a group through exploring community systems, connecting with community leaders, and discovering personal power. Dr. Dan Kahl with UK CEDIK and this Family and Consumer Sciences Agent ada
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