Creativity Club, Woodcarving Club, Crochet and Knitting Guild, Photography Club Plan of Work
Greenup County CES
Creativity Club, Woodcarving Club, Crochet and Knitting Guild, Photography Club
Performing and Visual Arts in the Community
Agents Involved:
Anne Stephens
Volunteer Engagement in the Arts
Artistic Skill Development
Community Design/Creative Placemaking
Arts and Community Health
Learning and sharing heritage arts skills is an important part of community. People who have honed these skills become great leaders when given the opportunity to share that skill. Passing on a heritage art builds community pride and promotes community development and placemaking.
Long-Term Outcomes:
The long term outcome for our arts-based clubs is to develop heritage skills and grow leaders and teaching artists in our community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Intermediate outcomes for our arts-based clubs is to identify growth in our artisan community.
Initial Outcomes:
The initial outcome of our arts-based clubs is to identify interest and grow participation.
Initial Outcome: council roster
Indicator: Greenup Arts review
Method: review at meeting
Timeline: school year
Intermediate Outcome: map membership
Indicator: school and home addresses
Method: student reported
Timeline:program year
Long-term Outcome: project results
Indicator: peer review
Method: group evaluation
Timeline: program year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: club membership
Project or Activity: summer music series
Content or Curriculum: volunteering
Inputs: job descriptions from event coordinators
Date: summer 2018 and forward
Audience: Students who participate in the Library Summer Reading Series
Project or Activity: Summer Reading Series
Content or Curriculum: classes about music and making instruments
Inputs: classes and projects in partnership with the library
Date:Summer 2018
Audience:club membership
Project or Activity: youth-led project of their choosing
Content or Curriculum: meetings, workshops, project implementation
Inputs: groups will create goals together
Date: school year of 2018-19
Success Stories
Yarn Club and Community Connections
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Volunteer Engagement in the Arts

Greenup County Extension Fine Arts Program has enjoyed the growth of its newest club with a focus on the heritage art of Crochet and Knitting. Each Greenup Arts club has an approved leader and a group of members with a desire to learn, grow a skill, and connect to their community. Supporting the club leader, encouraging self-starting, and securing club member buy-in is a goal of the leadership of the Greenup Arts Program. As part of its mission, The Yarn Club decided this past summer
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Warm Up America
Author: Anne Stephens
Major Program: Arts and Community Health
The Greenup County Crochet and Knitting Club that works with the Greenup Arts Extension Program has volunteer members who have been working at home throughout the pandemic of 2020. They continued to communicate digitally and stay creative and connected through their common interest in yarn and community service. When the restrictions allowed for an in-person work session, they respectfully complied with all rules and met at the office to plan their next project. The volunteer leader led by examp
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