Nutrition and HealthPlan of Work
Robertson County CES
Nutrition and Health
Promoting Improved Nutrition and Health
Agents Involved:
Sue Hughes, FCS-4-H Agent
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Keys to Embracing Aging
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
4-H Youth Development Programming
Robertson County continues to have higher poverty rates than most Kentucky counties. The county has very limited health resources. Much like the state as a whole, Robertson Countians are at risk for developing diabetes because of risk factors of age, obesity and sedentary lifestyle. These factors also contribute to increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Obesity studies of Robertson County students reveal that the children of Robertson County could benefit from health and nutrition education. Our County Extension Council, FCS Council, Homemaker Council, Early Childhood Council, 4-H Council, and local teachers were all involved in identifying this situation and developing this program. Sources used for statistics involved include SNARL, Kids Count, U.S. Census Bureau (2010), and FedStats.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Citizens will enjoy an increase in nutritional health and decrease in risk factors for nutrition-related and lifestyle-related health concerns.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Citizens will practice healthy eating, increase their physical activity, and improve their healthy lifestyle habits.
Initial Outcomes:
Citizens will obtain knowledge of proper nutrition, exercise, and healthier lifestyles.
Initial Outcome: Youth and adults will learn the value of improved nutrition and health.
Indicator: An increased number of youth and adults will be reached with information on the importance of a physicially active lifestyle, improved nutrition and general wellness
Method: Surveys and rosters
Timeline: 2019-2020
Intermediate Outcome: Participants will adapt healthy lifestyle choices
Indicator: The number of participants will report changes in healthy lifestyle choices
Method: Survey participants at end of class
Timeline: 2019-2020
Long-term Outcome: Adults and children will eat healthy, exercise, and have an improved quality of life.
Indicator: There will be an increased number of people involved in physical activities. The number of participants at health fairs will increase. More citizens will receive newsletters that address health or fitness issues.
Method: Surveys will measure knowledge gained and practices used to improve the health of participants.
Timeline: 2019-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H School Clubs
Project or Activity: Nutrition Education
Content or Curriculum: 4-H, FCS, HEEL
Inputs: SNAP-Ed Incentive items, Nutrition and Health Publications
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Homemakers, Adult and Youth Residents
Project or Activity: Health Fairs (Adult Health Fair, Youth Ready Fest)
Content or Curriculum: HEEL, FCS, and 4-H
Inputs: SNAP-Ed Incentive Items, Community Partners
Date: Fall 2019
Audience: 4-Hers
Project or Activity: 4-H Cooking Project Day, 4-H Camp Foods Lesson, 4-H Cooking Class Series, LEAP, and "Come Cook With Me" Program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences curriculum, 4-H Health curriculum, and LEAP curriculum
Inputs: Publications, SNAP-Ed Incentive items, Extension Homemakers, Community Partners
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: Extension Homemakers and other residents
Project or Activity: Leader Training
Content or Curriculum: Specialist-designed programs, UK publications
Inputs: Publications, Guides, SNAP-Ed Incentives
Date: 2019-2020
Audience: pre-schoolers, community leaders, other residents
Project or Activity: Child Abuse Prevention Program, "Book Cook" Program
Content or Curriculum: FCS curriculum
Inputs: Community Partners, Robertson County Library
Date Spring 2020
Audience: Farmers Market vendors and customers, other residents
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Educational Program
Content or Curriculum: FCS publications, GAP training, and Kentucky Proud materials
Inputs: SNAP-Ed Incentive items, Nutrition and Health Publications
Date: 2019-2020
Success Stories
Breaking a Few Eggs
Author: Caroline Hughes
Major Program: Food Preparation
A recent study in U.S. children aged 7-13 years examined the relationship between MPOD and measures of cognitive function. The researchers hypothesized that macular pigment would be beneficially associated with performance on standardized cognitive assessments. Macular pigment is related to improved measures of cognitive function on select tests (intellectual ability and executive processes), supporting the hypothesis that lutein is linked to brain health and cognition. Th
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Social Distancing Not a Problem
Author: Caroline Hughes
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
During the COVID-19 situation, everyone has tried to focus on the health of friends, family, colleagues while continuing to support their communities. While responding to community needs in new and unique ways, Extension outreach is evident in the impact we are making locally and area wide. Social distancing has created a challenge in finding new ways to meet the needs of our clientele, but sometimes a great way may be using a local resource that has been readily available all along in our area-
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment