Securing Financial StabilityPlan of Work

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Edmonson County CES

Securing Financial Stability
Securing Financial Stability
Agents Involved:
Julia Wilson
Managing in Tough Times
Securing Financial Stability (general)
Edmonson County consistently lags behind other areas of Kentucky in household income indicators, including personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment and revolving debt loads. Edmonson County's household median income is $33,550; much lower than the state average of $40,061. The percentage of the population living below the poverty level has increased the last few years to over 20%. Unemployment continues to be an issue because of the lack of industry in the county. In 2012, unemployment in Edmonson County was 9.4%. Eighty percent of workers travel outside Edmonson County to work with almost half (49.2%) traveling between 30-60 minutes to work. With the increased costs of fuel, it is difficult for unskilled workers to justify traveling so far to work for minimum wage jobs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Number of clientele reporting improved family financial stability and economic well-being will increase.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Adopt short, mid and long term financial planning strategies.
Initial Outcomes:
Teenagers and adults will show increased knowledge and skills related to managing available financial and non-financial resources.

Long-Term Outcome: Number of clientele reporting improved family financial stability and economic well]being.

Indicator: Number of people who implement at least one financial management strategy.

Method: Pre/Post Evaluation

Timeline: July 2020

Intermediate Outcome: Adopt short, mid and long term financial planning strategies.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skill or aspirations related to money management.

Method: Number of people participating, pre/post evaluations, # of people responding

Timeline: July 2018

Initial Outcome: Teenagers and adults will show increased knowledge and skills related to managing available financial and non-financial resources.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting changes in knowledge, opinions, skill or aspirations related to money management.

Method: Number of people participating, pre/post evaluations, # of people responding

Timeline: After education program

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Social Media Audience, Head Start Parents, CES Newsletter Recipients, Homemakers

Project or Activity: Managing in Tough Times Newsletter

Content or Curriculum: MITT Newsletter

Inputs: MITT

Date: Monthly

Audience: General Public, Homemaker Area Lesson

Project or Activity: Stretching your Holiday Dollar

Content or Curriculum: Stretching your Holiday Dollar resources

Inputs: Kentucky CES Agents & Assistants, CES publications & resources, Community partners, business owners.

Date: November 2017, 2019

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