Master CattlemanPlan of Work
Bracken County CES
Master Cattleman
Agents Involved:
There are over 40,000 beef cattle producers in Kentucky and over one million head of beef cows. Kentucky is the eighth largest beef state in the U.S. and has the largest herd east of the Mississippi River; Kentucky ranks third for beef cattle density (cows per square mile) in the US. Bracken County has over 5000 beef cows and over 90,000 acres of pasture. Cash receipts for beef cattle in Kentucky are approaching a billion dollars and may reach that level in 2014 with record high beef prices. Even with high prices it is important to educate beef producers on best management practices to: keep costs down, optimize income through management and marketing, be good stewards of the land and practice good animal welfare. These educational programs are targeted to assist our local Agriculture and Natural Resource agents to provide Kentucky beef producers with the tools necessary to be profitable and sustainable.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Improved farm economic status
Sustainability of farm
Long term viability
Producers save money by making better selection decisions.
Reduce expenses
Improved herd quality
Increased profits of operation
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implement practices to control the breeding season and enhance production efficiency
Test forage for nutritional quality
Utilize a complete mineral supplement program
Implement crossbreeding program
Make EPD and selection decisions
Implement practices to perform examinations of pelvic areas, reproductive tract scores, AI, pregnancy diagnosis, and/or animal evaluation
Initial Outcomes:
Participants become certified KY Master Cattleman
Increased awareness of the following practices:
-reproduction -genetics -nutrition -health -end product -general herd management -economics and marketing
Initial Outcome: Producers plan to implement a new bull purchase
Indicator: Request guidelines for sire that matches herd needs and production goals
Method: Number of producers requesting assistance
Timeline: Spring of 2019
Intermediate Outcome: Shorter calving seasons
Indicator: Herds reduce the number of days in the breeding season
Method: Calving reports from participating herds
Timeline: Spring of 2020
Long-term Outcome: Producer report increases in Live Calf Crop, and increased sale weight of calves as a result of reproduction, nutrition and health improvements
Indicator: Records of herd production and sales both before and after.
Method: Birth records and sale reports
Timeline: Fall of 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Beef Farmers, Cow / Calf operations
Project or Activity: Beef Education
Content or Curriculum: Master Cattleman
Inputs: •UK Beef Specialists
•County Agents
•Program materials
•Locations to host programs
•Program Partners/Sponsors
•Program materials/handouts/ presentation material
•Equipment/Computer/ Projector
•Kentucky Beef Network
Date: Winter of 2018
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment