Educating Youth on Life Skills, safety and personal developmentPlan of Work
Bourbon County CES
Educating Youth on Life Skills, safety and personal development
Youth Development
Agents Involved:
Carter. Denniston, Tackett, Wilson
4-H Youth Development Programming
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development is part of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Extension’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens
through non-formal education for the entire family. Extension agents and volunteers take the results of university research and explain it in such a way that different age groups can learn and apply the information to their own lives. 4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in
partnership with caring adults. According to 2014 population estimates ( there are 233, 463 youth living in households in KY in
the recommended 4-H age range. Also, according to the Kentucky Department of Education (2014), the graduation rate for Kentucky students was 88.0 %,
which did not meet the state goal. Research also shows us developing a strong sense of personal identity, responsibility, caring, compassion,
and tolerance are essential first steps toward being engaged at the community level (National 4-H Council)
Research consistently shows a correlation between involvement in
the arts, academic success and civic engagement. Unfortunately, there has been a sharp decrease over the years in Arts programs in our schools. Kentucky 4-H Youth Development has an opportunity to fill
this void and inspire future artists across the Commonwealth.
Long-Term Outcomes:
* Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society.
* Youth will have reduced risky behavior now and in the future.
* 4-H alumni will be successful in a global society.
* 4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning
* Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.
* Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community.
* Youth become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.
* Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Programs
Intermediate Outcomes:
* Youth will use scientific decision making techniques to make decisions on a daily basis.
* Youth will express themselves to others in group settings and on an
individual bases.
* Youth have a positive bond with a caring adult who believe in their
* Youth apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
* Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.
* Youth present before their family, a group of their peers (such as at a 4-H club meeting), a school or county qualifying event.
* Youth demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.
* Youth use their communication skills to assume a leadership role in 4-H or other organizations.
* Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing.
* Youth set and achieve goals through a 4-H program.
Initial Outcomes:
* Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision making process.
* Youth learn skills need to communicate with others.
* Adult mentors will understand elements of positive youth development.
* Youth learn and develop life skills though 4-H. .
* Youth learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action.
* Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration.
* Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.
* Youth create a formal presentation, speech or outline using the written outline.
* Youth be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers(such as at a 4-H club meeting) and a school or county qualifying event.
* Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.
Initial Outcome: The number of youth that have improved their communication skills.
? The number of youth that can express themselves through the arts.
? The number of youth that report feeling comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.
? The number of youth that have confidence speaking in front of groups.
Indicator: Increase in number of speeches county wide
Method: numbers and surveys
Timeline: April
Intermediate Outcome:
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Communications Program
Content or Curriculum: State curriculum
Date: November, March & April
Audience: Tweens and Teens
Activity: 4-H Middle & High Teen Program
Content or Curriculum: State curriculum
Date: Year round
Audience: 5th grade students
Activity: 4-H Dollars & Sense Program
Content or Curriculum: Dollars & Sense Curriculum
Date: January
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: Educational
Date: Summer
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H Sewing and Needlework Workshops
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: agents
Date: year round
Audience: Youth - 13 and up
Activity: 4-H Babysitting Workshop
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs:agents, community resources
Date: May 2017
Audience: High School Jr.& Sr.
Activity: Survival 101 for High School Seniors
Content: 4-H Curriculum, FCS materials
Input: Agents, Volunteers, Community partners
Date: 2016-2017
Audience: 4th graders
Project or Activity:Safety Day
Content or Curriculum:Safety information/lessons provided at 10 different stations of interactions
Inputs: All agents, Snap Assistant time in recruitment of leaders and teachers
Date: Spring of 2018, 2019, 2020
Audience: 5th graders
Project or Activity:Recipe for Life
Content or Curriculum: State curriculum - Recipe for Life
Inputs:All agents time, organization and monitoring
Date: Fall 2017, 2018, 2019,
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
Kids Day in the Arboretum
Author: Anthony Tackett
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
There continues to be a strong demand for youth horticulture programming. During the past year the Bourbon County Extension Service partnered with the Gardens Clubs of Kentucky and other local organizations to plan and present the 2017 Kids Day at the Arboretum series. Various educational topics included information on rain gardens, butterfly gardens, youth photography, and bluebird house construction. Educational delivery methods included hands on learning sessions, and outdoor lab
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4-H Livestock
Author: Lois Carter
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Livestock and Animal Science projects continue to be the largest, most viable projects offered in Bourbon County 4-H. Even though it may be one of the oldest, most traditional aspects of 4-H, one cannot discount its importance, due to the fact that livestock and livestock products statistically amount to about half of the farm income in Kentucky. Due to that fact, it remains extremely important that youth understand the role of agriculture in their lives along with the importance of livestock, l
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Teen Summit
Author: Lois Carter
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Research suggests distinctive characteristics of young adolescents (middle school aged youth)regarding their physical,cognitive, moral, psychological, and social-emotional development, as well as spiritual development (Scales, 2010). Young adolescents (middle school aged youth) warrant educational experiences and schoolsthat are organized to address their physical,intellectual, emotional/psychological, moral/ethical, spiritual, and social developmental characteristics (Caskey & Anfara,2014).
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State Teen Conference
Author: Lois Carter
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Through the 94th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference, 4-H’ers from across the Commonwealth developed leadership and teamwork skills, improved communication skills, became involved in civic life, expanded knowledge related to a 4-H core content area: communication/citizenship, health, natural resources, agriculture, expressive arts, family consumer sciences, and science, engineering, and technology. The participants fostered a sense of belonging through networking, engaged in youth-adult pa
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D4 Middle School Jekyll Island trip
Author: Lois Carter
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
On April 3, 2018, 68 middle school 4-H’ers, agents and volunteers embarked upon an environmental adventure. The group traveled to Camp Jekyll 4-H Center on Jekyll Island Georgia. Camp Jekyll offers education and summer camp programs through Georgia 4-H, and the oceanfront campus is also available to youth groups and camps for private rentals. The Georgia 4-H Environmental Education Program at Camp Jekyll is administered by UGA Extension on Jekyll Island. Camp Jekyll is located
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Recipe for Life 2018
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

The Bourbon County Family and Consumer Science Extension Agent in collaboration with the Snap-ED assistant and Bourbon County Extension Homemakers provided the Recipe for Life Program experience to every fifth grade student in Bourbon County. 289 fifth graders participated in the preparation of 10 recipes while learning the importance of kitchen safety and sanitation, reading and following a recipe, proper measuring of both wet and dry ingredients and the math skills involved in altering re
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Third Grade Manners Class
Author: Karen Denniston
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)

North Middletown Manners Class“Manners cost us nothing but earn us A LOT. Respect from others.” The opening line of the North Middletown Elementary 3rd grade program on Manners (Table and Social). The program consisted of four learning sessions and a grand finale of a formal dinner with invited table guest. Topics included introducing your friends to your parents, the power of thinking of others feelings by using please, thank you, holding doors and pleasant voices, p
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment