Agronomic SolutionsPlan of Work
Calloway County CES
Agronomic Solutions
Production Agriculture
Agents Involved:
M. Chadwick
Grain Crops
Integrated Plant Pest Management
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
Crop production is facing a downward pressure with severe economic distress (high inputs, low commodity prices, high land rent, and flooded machinery market) for the foreseeable future. Tobacco production, while still profitable for most, is slowly decreasing in profit on a per acre basis. In addition increased regulation by government organizations has further muddied the water for the average producer.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
-Minimize environmental impact of air, soil, or living area
-Improve sustainability of intensively managed crop production systems
-Significant percentage of producers implementing IPM practices
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Adopt usage of new technology for crop production
-Maximize awareness of GMO/Organic Production
-Use diagnostic services to identify insects, disease and weeds
-Adopt one or more fertility management recommendations
-Implementation of on-farm trials
Initial Outcomes:
-Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production
-Identification of IPM practices for grain crops production
-Increase understanding of production regulations
-Understanding BioTech traits
-Understanding importance of and frame work of on-farm trials
-Understanding of Organic vs Conventional crop production
-Identify active ingredients in crop related ag products
-Identify herbicide resistant pests and strategies to overcome these pests
Initial Outcome: Awareness of current land grant research concerning grain crop production
Indicator:Increased request for publications on variety trials, chemical trials, etc.
Method:Comparitive count of publications handed out over the timeline vs. prior years.
Timeline: 2016-2017
Intermediate Outcome: Adopt one or more fertility management recommendations
Indicator: Request for AGR-1 recommendations.
Method: Record of fertilizer recommendation request
Timeline: 2016-2018
Long-term Outcome: Maximize profits for commercial ag producer
Indicator: Increased profit margins.
Method: One on one conversations
Timeline: 2017-2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Tobacco Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps.
Project or Activity: Tobacco Twilight Tour
Content or Curriculum: Presentation of ongoing seasonal tobacco feild reserch
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Reserch information.
Date: Summer 2017
Audience: Grain Crop Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. Custon Applicators
Project or Activity: Winter Ag Confrence
Content or Curriculum: Sustainable Fertilizer and Chemical Use
Inputs:UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Reserch information, UK weather center, Commodity Associations, State and Federal Agencies
Date: Winter 2018
Audience: Tobacco Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps.
Project or Activity: Tobacco GAP Training
Content or Curriculum: Program designed by GAP Connections
Inputs: GAP Connections, UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Reserch information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: Winter 2018
Audience:Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. General Public, Point of Sale Employees
Project or Activity: Private Applicator Trainings
Content or Curriculum: Private Applicator Curriculum
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: Winter 2018
Audience:Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. General Public, Point of Sale Employees
Project or Activity: Quarertly Newsletter, Monthly Newspaper Articles
Content or Curriculum: Timely Information
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Date: 2017-2018
Audience: Producers, Farm Managers, Certified Crop Advisors, Private Agronomist, County Agents, Ag Retailers, Farm Workers, Industry Reps. General Public, Point of Sale Employees
Project or Activity: Grain Marketing Series
Content or Curriculum: Risk Management
Inputs: UK/KSU College of Ag Professionals, Publications, Research information, State and Federal Organizations
Success Stories
2018 Tobacco Twilight Tour
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Tobacco
2018 Tobacco twilight Tour The 2018 Tobacco Twilight tour was a great success, for thethird year in a row; we saw an increase in producer attendance. Dr. Andy Baileypresented producers with a brief update on the status of the tobacco cropthrough-out western KY and north west tn. Dr. Emily Pfeufer discussed ongoingefforts to address the issues caused by angular leaf spot. Producers enjoyed awonderful meal provided, and we able to dodge the rain despite cloudy skies. Multipleproducers comment
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American Forage and Grasslands Tour
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Forages
The Calloway County Extension service co-hosted a regional warmseason forage summer tour with multiple extension offices in the region, specialistand the American forage and grasslands council. The tour was held at theDolworth farm in Ballard County. Despite a couple short rain showers, over 150producers and industry personnel attended. Tour stops highlighted a summerannual demonstration, a stand of eastern gamma that is over a decade old, newfencing tech, and a unique pasture rotation watering
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Winter School
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Local Food Systems

Winter SchoolAlong with the Marshall and Graves County Extension Offices, we hosted the first ever Winter School program. This program offered a series of three sessions that rotated between host counties. We offered sessions on Grain Crops, Beef and Tobacco. Producers very well attended all three of the sessions. We did not receive a negative survey response from any of the participants. All participants reported that they would have some behavior change due to the information they received. &n
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