Nutritition and Physical ActivityPlan of Work

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Henderson County CES

Nutritition and Physical Activity
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Druin, Hardy, Johnson, Lambert, Rideout
Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes Program (Curriculum)
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Henderson County unhealthy behaviors are higher than the area average as well as the state average: 18.9% of adults are reporting poor or fair health, 33.4% of adults are obese, and 11.6% of adults have diabetes. The Centers for Disease Control found nationally that only 29% of high school youth participated in physical activity and physical activity decreases as we age.
Long-Term Outcomes:
To improve the mental health and well-being of Henderson County citizens and increase the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Individuals will practice a healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthens individuals ability to cope with normal life stressors.
Initial Outcomes:
Individuals will learn how to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Initial Outcome: Individuals will learn how to eat healthy and exercise

Indicator: What they already are doing to be healthy and what they have learned

Method: Pre/post test

Timeline: Fall 2017, Spring 2018

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will make healthy lifestyle decisions

Indicator: what they have changed

Method: testimonial, survey

Timeline: 6 months after classes

Long-term Outcome: Success in eating healthy and exercise on a regular basis

Indicator: doctor report, overall health, knowledge

Method: survey, testimonial

Timeline: a year to date or after

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Residence of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Diabetes Classes

Content or Curriculum: Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes, Healthy Plate

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community Partners, Henderson Diabetes Coalition

Date: Fall 2017, Spring 2018

Audience: Residence of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Derby Tea

Content or Curriculum: UK Publication

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community Partners, FCS Advisory Council

Date: May 2018

Audience: Henderson County Youth

Project or Activity: Cooking Club

Content or Curriculum: Cooking 101

Inputs: Extension Staff, Community partners

Date: Sept. 2017- June 2018

Audience: Henderson County Youth

Project or Activity: Cooking Camp

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Extension Staff, Fuel Up to Play 60, UK Staff

Date: May or June 2018

Audience: Henderson County Youth

Project or Activity: Dance Fit Club

Content or Curriculum: Dance Fit

Inputs: Extension Staff, Volunteers

Date: Sept. 2016-May 2018

Audience: Residents of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Farmer's Market Programming

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Extension Staff, Master Gardeners

Date: Annually, May-October

Audience: Farmers of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Fit to Farm

Content of Curriculum: Extension Publications, Demonstrations

Inputs: Extension Staff, Extension Specialists, Local Businesses, Farmers

Date: winter 2017

Audience: Residence of Henderson County

Project or Activity: Saturday In the Garden Series

Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, Demonstration Garden

Inputs: Extension Staff, Master Gardeners, Local business'

Date: Annually, spring and fall sessions

Audience: HESC Clientele

Project or Activity: Growing Independence Garden Project

Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, Demonstration Garden

Inputs: Extension Staff, Master Gardeners, Local business'

Date: Annually beginning in 2017

Success Stories

Local Food Pantry Integrates Fresh Produce With Community Help

Author: Paul Andrew Rideout

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

Local Food Pantry Teams up to Provide Fresh VegetablesThe Christian Outreach Food Pantry in Henderson County fills over five thousand food boxes annually to provide food for limited resource families in the community. Most of the products are donated by local grocers and other benevolent community groups. Mary Dunham, the food pantry director, reached out to Henderson County Extension to help fill the need for fresh produce. Henderson County Extension SNAP ED Assistant teamed up with the Horticu

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Promoting Healthy Habits

Author: Camille Lambert

Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud

Everyone can eat healthy if they try.  Unhealthy eating habits have contributed to obesity and chronic diseases.   According to the US Department of Health and Human Services one third of adults in the US are obese and 17% of children and adolescents are obese.  The link between good nutrition and healthy weight can reduce chronic disease risk.   Making sure that you make good choices as a child can carry on to adulthood. The agriculture and natural resources agent and family

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Derby Tea

Author: Amanda Hardy

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2015, 50% of women ages 40 years and older reported having a mammogram within the past year, and 64% reported having one within the past two years. Mammography use in the past two years was lowest among the uninsured (31%). Among women ages 21-65 years, 83% were up-to-date with cervical cancer screening in 2015; uptake was lowest among the uninsured (64%) and recent immigrants (70%). In 2015, 63% of adults ages 50 years and older were up-to date for c

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4-H Cooking Day Camp

Author: Alexandria Brasher

Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

According to the American Heart Association, teaching youth how to prepare their own food will give them a skill they can use for a lifetime, they will be more likely to eat healthier as adults and build self-confidence through cooking. In order to address the growing concern about children not knowing how to prepare food safely led to the Henderson County 4-H program offering a three day cooking camp involving the dairy alliance, fuel up to play 60, UK Snap-Education resources, and a UK Poultry

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Healthy Cooking Classes

Author: Amanda Hardy

Major Program: Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)

Healthy Cooking participants do hands on cooking, get to meet and talk to others about cooking, learn about new recipes and taste the recipes along with a lesson on the topic. Utilizing new Plate it Up recipes and revisiting recipes from the past opens up discussion about farmer’s market and what is in season. When it comes to winter time we talk about easy slow cooker meals along with hearty recipes that are not only healthy but taste good. Other classes that were taught were on cooking w

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Henderson County Get Into Nature Series

Author: Paul Andrew Rideout

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

It is well documented that youth in Kentucky falls behind with healthy habits; in particularly with youth. More and more, youth are spending more time indoors with television and video games instead of outdoor, more physically active activities.  The Henderson County Extension office put together a summer program to encourage healthy habits and learn about nature and the area we live in.  For 8 weeks, participants joined the Henderson County Horticulture agent for short 2-3 mile hikes

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