Engaging in discovery, exploration , and understanding in science, engineering and technologyPlan of Work
Oldham County CES
Engaging in discovery, exploration , and understanding in science, engineering and technology
Science, Engineering and Technology
Agents Involved:
Kelly Woods, Traci Missun
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum
Youth will learn scientific research techniques, responsible practices and
innovative technologies that positively address science, engineering and technology issues in Kentucky and globally. Through the Land Grant University and Extension system, 4-H can expand its impact and extend its reach in science, engineering and technology (4-H SET) by providing opportunities for hands-on scientific learning and discovery in 4-H clubs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities in science, engineering and
technology with others.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will increase interest and engagement in 4-H science, engineering and
technology. Youth learn new skills in 4-H science, engineering and technology
Initial Outcome: Youth understand the scientific method.
Indicator: Number of youth who understand the scientific method.
Method: 4-H member survey
Timeline: May 2019
Intermediate Outcome: Youth utilize knowledge and skills from 4-H science, engineering and technology in daily life.
Indicator: Number of youth applying SET principles to daily life.
Method: 4-H member surveys
Timeline: May 2019
Long-term Outcome: Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their daily life.
Indicator: Youth participate in SET activities out of school.
Method: 4-H member survey
Timeline: May 2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4th Grade 4-H members
Project or Activity: Eco Bots
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Science Curriculum,
Inputs: CES Staff, OC Schools, District Board funding
Date: Fall 2018
Audience: 4th Grade 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Friction Frenzy
Content or Curriculum: Junk Drawer Robotics
Inputs: CES Staff, OC Schools, District Board funding
Date: Fall 2018
Audience: 4th Grade 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Motion Commotion
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Science Experiment
Inputs: CES Staff, OC Schools, District Board funding
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: 4th Grade 4-H Members
Project or Activity: Electrical Circuits
Content or Curriculum: Investigating Electricity
Inputs: CES Staff, OC Schools, District Board funding, Electrical Kits
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: 5th Grade 4-H Members
Project or Activity: DNA Extraction
Content or Curriculum: Science Sleuths
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: 5th Grade 4-H Members
Project or Activity: CSI Soil Samples
Content of Curriculum: Science Sleuths
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: High School Students
Project or Activity: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Fair
Content or Curriculum: Interactive Booth Display Illustrating STEM Use in Agriculture; UK Ag Career Information
Inputs: Agriculture Agent, Oldham County High School Staff
Date: November 2018
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