Weight The Reality SeriesPlan of Work
Pulaski County CES
Weight The Reality Series
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Lovett, Taylor, Williamson
Weight the Reality Series
Weight the Reality Series
Weight the Reality Series
Home & Consumer Horticulture
According to the Kentucky Healthy Facts data, Pulaski County ranks 44 out of 120 counties at the least healthy county in Kentucky. The obesity epidemic in Pulaski County threatens the quality and years of life of people in the county starting with the young children. Over weight individuals are at an increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke and some type of cancer.
Long-Term Outcomes:
The long term outcome for all participants, young and old, is to make a life style change and get participants residents BMI near the level it should be for improved healthy living. People involved in the program will increase their average fruit and vegetable consumption by 1 or more servings daily. Participants will also be encouraged to exercise daily for their healthy and weight loss. Having healthy bodies is one of the long term desired outcomes. Since being overweight is linked with all types of health issues, BMI levels need to be near the correct level for each individual. Hopefully all participants on the Weight Loss Program will show a loss of weight at the end of the 12 weeks sessions and will keep the weight off. They will also increase and practice physical activity and healthy eating habits daily.
Intermediate Outcomes:
More clients will participate in the Weight Loss Program and will practice healthy food choices. Through the Weight to Reality Series and exercising daily, participants will lose weight, following a healthy diet plan taken from the Plate It Up suggestions, and keep the weight off. Through working with community coalitions and partnerships chronic disease from being over weight will also be emphasized.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants will have a change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding healthy lifestyle choices, childhood and youth obesity, and weight management. There will be an increased knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety and food resource management.
Long-term Outcome: Decrease in weight and BMI.
Indicator: Weight Loss from beginning of program to the end.
Method: Chart of Weight Loss
Timeline: January, 2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Interested citizens.
Project or Activity: Weight The Reality Curriculum
Content or Curriculum: Weight The Reality Curriculum
Inputs: FCS Agent, Health Department, Senior Citizens, Lake Cumberland Hospital
Date: January, 2019
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment