SNAP-EducationPlan of Work
Metcalfe County CES
Accessing Nutrition Foods
Agents Involved:
Blankenship, Branstetter, Bell
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky adult obesity rates rank among the 10 highest in the US; and, Kentucky youth rank among the 10 highest for obesity in the U.S. Thirty percent of Kentucky adults report not participating in any physical activity. The CDC also reports Kentucky adults rank in the 10 highest, for poor consumption of fruits and vegetables in the U.S. In addition to these health indicators, according to the U.S. Census, approximately 19% of Kentucky’s total population is living in poverty; and, approximately 27% percent of children and youth under the age of 18 live in poverty.
According to KY Health Facts and the U. S. Census, the prevalence of Diabetes in Metcalfe County is high, at 20%. Metcalfe Co. also has a high prevalence of hypertension (37%) and colorectal cancer (25%). Metcalfe Co. presents a higher number of annual deaths attributed to stroke and heart disease, than the state rates. The per capita income in Metcalfe County is low, at $17,265.00 as compared to $28,555.00, nationally.
SNAP-Education programs help limited resource families increase access to affordable nutritious food, stretch food dollars, develop food preparation skills and improve food safety practices. SNAP-Education efforts also help communities address nutrition and obesity prevention issues related to the social, environmental, and policy work, which supports limited resource individuals in making healthy lifestyle changes.
Long-Term Outcomes:
• Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems.
• Individuals will maintain a healthy weight.
• Individuals will prepare meals at home 5 or more times a week.
• Fewer foodborne illnesses will be reported by healthcare providers.
• The instance of food insecurity will decline in the community.
• Individuals will increase food availability by accessing additional healthy foods via community systems and personal productivity.
• Community social, environmental, and policy systems will reinforce healthy lifestyle behaviors.
Intermediate Outcomes:
• Individuals will adopt one recommendation from the dietary guidelines.
• Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills.
• Individuals engage in good food safety practices.
• Individuals adopt one food resource management practice.
• Individuals engage in regular physical activity.
• Individuals utilize community support systems (farmers market, community gardens, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.
• Individuals will grow, care for, produce and preserve foods from personal gardens and orchards to gain access to healthy foods.
• Community social, environmental, and policy systems will design opportunities to support individuals toward living a healthier lifestyle.
Initial Outcomes:
• Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
• Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.
• Individuals will be able to describe food safety practices.
• Individuals will identify food resource management practices.
• Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
• Individuals will locate community support systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.
• Individuals will develop skills and knowledge to grow their own garden and/or orchard.
• Partners will recognize the need for community social, environmental, and policy systems to address efforts toward improving healthier lifestyles.
Long-term Outcome:Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems.
Indicator: Individuals will report reduced nutrition-related health problems as a result of making healthy eating choices.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Change in health/disease data from Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome:Individuals will maintain a healthy weight.
Indicator: Individuals will report sustained weight loss or healthy weight maintenance as a result of making healthy eating choices and physical activity.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Change in BMI data from Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome: Individuals will prepare meals at home 5 or more times a week.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting preparing meals 5 more times a week.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome: Fewer foodborne illnesses will be reported by healthcare providers.
Indicator: A decrease in the number of foodborne illness reported.
Method: Reports from the Department of Public Health.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome: Individuals will have improved food security.
Indicator: A decrease in the number of individuals reporting hunger.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase food availability by accessing additional healthy foods via community systems (community gardens, WIC, food pantry).
Indicator: Food insecurity decreases.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase consumption of fruits and vegetables through community and home gardens/orchards and through access at the local Farmer’s Market.
Indicator: Changes in food security. Yields of produce grown. Quantity of food preserved.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports. Garden Survey. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Long-term Outcome:Community social, environmental, and policy systems will promote a healthier lifestyle.
Indicator: Increase in the number of social, environmental, and policy changes implemented to support healthier lifestyles. Growing Farmer’s Market membership and customer base, community gardening volunteer base in-place, community vegetable, flower and herb seed bank in place.
Method: Community surveillance. Farmer’s market and community garden project data, Changes in Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data related to recreational facilities in the physical environment.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will adopt one recommendation from the dietary guidelines for the purpose of improving their diet.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported adopting at least one of the recommendations from the dietary guidelines.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills.
Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented food preparation practices and behaviors.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals engage in good food safety practices.
Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented the recommended practices for safe storage, handling, or preparation of food.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals adopt one food resource management practice.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting adopting one or more practices to make food more affordable.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Garden survey. Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals utilize community systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting utilization of community systems that provide access to healthy foods.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will grow, care for, produce and preserve foods from personal gardens and orchards to gain access to healthy foods.
Indicator: Number of individual reporting growing, producing, and preserving fruits and vegetables.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports. Garden Survey, community garden project data.
Timeline: 2017 -2020
Intermediate Outcome: Community social, environmental, and policy systems will design opportunities to support individuals toward living a healthier lifestyle.
Indicator: Number of community social, environmental, and policy systems implemented for the purpose of addressing healthier lifestyles for limited resource and SNAP-eligible individuals.
Method: Community surveillance to report number of systems changes as a result of partnership efforts.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to the components of a healthy diet.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to food preparation techniques.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to describe food safety practices.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge or opinion change related to food safety practices.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will identify food resource management practices.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting change in knowledge related to food resource management practices.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will locate community support systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide access to healthy foods.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting knowledge of community systems (farmers market, WIC, food pantry, etc.) that provide for food security. Increasing Farmer’s market customer base.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation.Web-NEERS reports. Farmer’s market data.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Individuals will develop skills and knowledge to grow their own garden and/or orchard.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting positive knowledge change and skill development related to home gardening and orchard growing practices.
Method: Pre/post written evaluation. Garden Survey. Community Garden project activity data.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Initial Outcome: Partners will recognize the need for community social, environmental, and policy systems to address efforts toward improving healthier lifestyles.
Indicator: Number of partners aspiring to address policy, systems, and environmental changes to support a healthier lifestyle.
Method: Community surveillance for increased partnerships. Farmer’s Market Data. Community Garden Project Data.
Timeline: 2017 – 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Metcalfe Co. residents
Project or Activity: Increase access to affordable and healthy food
Content or Curriculum:
- Guide to Kentucky Fresh Vegetables
- Home & Garden Vegetable Publications
- Food Preservation
- Plate It Up KY Proud
- LEAP Curriculum (youth)
- UK NEP Adult Curriculum
- Super Star Chef
- Community Gardening project
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources
Date: Annually as needed, during the local outdoor and high-tunnel extended, growing season March - December
Audience: Metcalfe County Residents
Project or Activity: Obesity prevention, nutrition
Content or Curriculum:
- Home Vegetable Gardening/Production
- WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Voucher Program
- Food Preservation
- UK NEP Adult Curriculum
- USDA materials
- Plate It Up
- Food preparation programs
- Teen Cuisine (youth)
- We Can: Energizing Our Community (youth)
- Jump into Food and Fitness (youth)
- LEAP curriculum
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources
Date: Annually during the local growing season and after the winter holidays.
Audience: Metcalfe County Residents
Project or Activity: Increase food preparation skills
- Home based processing and micro processing certification and re cert classes
- Plate It Up
- Food preparation programs
- UK NEP Adult Curriculum
- USDA materials
- Super Star Chef
- Teen Cuisine (youth)
- 4 - H Cooking
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources
Date: Annually as needed and/or upon request
Audience: Metcalfe County Residents
Project or Activity: Increase adoption of appropriate food safety behaviors
- UK NEP Adult Curriculum
- Glow Germ (Youth)
- Home based processing and microprocessing certification and re cert
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant
Date: Annually as needed and/or upon request
Audience: Metcalfe County Residents
Project or Activity: Increase knowledge and behavior changes toward adopting the recommendations of the dietary guidelines
- Professor Popcorn curriculum (youth)
- Organ Wise curriculum (youth)
- Wellness in Kentucky (WIN) Kentucky curriculum (youth)
- Super Star Chef curriculum (youth/adults)
- LEAP curriculum (youth)
- UK NEP Adult Curriculum
- Food Preservation
- USDA materials
- Dining with Diabetes
- Steps to a Healthier Teen Curriculum (youth)
- Teen Cuisine (youth)
- Jump into Food and Fitness
- FCS Extension publications
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant
Date: Annually as needed and/or upon request
Audience: Metcalfe County Government, Producers, Employers, Parks, Schools, Farmers Market and Residents
Project or Activity: Food Systems, Nutrition and Youth/School PSE
Possible PSE Efforts/Partnerships:
- Farmers Market
- WIC and Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Voucher programs
- GAP Training
- Farm to School
- Local Food Brokers
- Sustainable Community Food Systems
- School or Community Gardens
- Summer Food Service Programs
- Food Pantry
- Grocery and Food Retailing Promoting SNAP Benefit Acceptance
- Worksite Wellness
- Nutrition Billboard Campaigns and Related Programs
- Steps to a Healthier Teen environmental surveillance activities (youth)
- School Wellness Policy
- School Wellness Committees
- Backpack Programs
- Physical Activity Breaks
Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant
Date: Ongoing, as needed and/or upon request
Audience: Metcalfe County Residents interested in sustainable gardening
and community gardenProject or Activity: Metcalfe County Extension Sustainable Community
Garden Project
Content or Curriculum: SNAP Gardening curriculum; FCS and ANR
Date: March – October, annually
Extension Horticulture Publications; USDA materials
Inputs: Extension Agent and SNAP-Ed program assistant time, community member volunteer time, in-kind newspaper PR; Extension District Board Property for garden space; Metcalfe Co. Extension District
Budget funds for project implementation, Extension farmer’s Market
pavilion storage space for garden tools, SNAP incentive items, SNAP
reimbursement funds, Extension Agent program funds, Extension office
water source and copying.
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Camp Staff
Date: June 2018
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: TAG
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Partners
Date: October 18 -April 19
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Health and Fitness Days
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Partners, Specialist
Date: Spring 2018
Success Stories
“Chop Chop” Cooking Class – Families Cooking Together
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Food Preparation
According to Kentucky Health Facts: Only 19 - 23 % of residents in Metcalfe County consume the recommended number of servings of fruits and vegetables daily. Metcalfe County Nutrition Education Program Assistant and Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent, partnered with the Metcalfe County Library Summer Reading Program, to offer a hands on cooking series for families. Six sessions, with two different groups of participants with children ranging in age from 2 to 10 years, are offered
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment