Master GardenersPlan of Work
Kenton County CES
Master Gardeners
Home Horticulture
Agents Involved:
Michele Stanton
Master Gardener
Adult gardeners and plant enthusiasts want to increase their knowledge of gardening and plant sciences, and are willing to volunteer to better their communities. Would-be volunteers need locally-based, reputable training in plant science, horticulture, and leadership skills. Many also lack ties to community organizations where their skills and abilities would be valued. The three-county Master Gardener association has the reputation for being a great group to join, and for being a positive force in the community.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Soil, air, and water quality in Northern Kentucky increase as MG volunteers implement BMPs in their home landscapes and volunteer garden locations.
Communities become stronger as more MG volunteers and residents become more strongly knit-together in their cities, towns, church congregations, schools, and other groups.
MG volunteers, community gardens, and their associates realize financial gains as they avoid unnecessary fertilizer and chemical use, implement soil test results, grow suitable species and cultivars of plants that will not need frequent replacement, etc.
MG volunteers will develop skills to step into other community volunteer leadership roles.
MG volunteers will develop skills and abilities that may qualify them for paid employment in the green industry.
MG make new friends and find fulfillment through service during retirement.
Intermediate Outcomes:
MG volunteers will practice improved garden and landscape techniques in their home and community gardens, improving harvests, lessening erosion, increasing plant viability, etc.
MG volunteers will continue to receive horticultural education.
MG volunteers will develop greater appreciate for the environment and its care as they volunteer and care for gardens throughout the area.
MG volunteers will form new community ties and leadership skills as they volunteer throughout the three-county area.
Initial Outcomes:
MG volunteers will complete a UK-sponsored, 50-hour, 15-week training program that encompasses plant biology, soil science, plant pathology, climate, entomology, pomology, vegetables, landscape horticulture, turf grass science, and floriculture. This will help them grow and take care of plants.
MG volunteers will learn about Extension and its roles in the community, and will learn to trust and consult with UK sources and staff for plant-related questions.
MG volunteers will change old beliefs and behaviors as they learn correct horticultural principles.
MG volunteers will make new friends and develop ties with each other, extension staff, and community organization leaders.
Initial Outcome: New Master Gardener trainees take the MG classes every year.
Indicator: New MG students complete the annual MG training.
Method: Students pass the final exam with a score of 75 or higher.
Timeline: Annual
Long-term Outcome: Master Gardeners continue to be part of Extension on successive years.
Indicator: MG complete continuing education and volunteer service hours.
Method: PACE—Self-reported continuing education hours and community service according to state MG guidelines.
Timeline: Ongoing; annual reports are due May 31 of every year.
Intermediate Outcome: New Master Gardener students complete their first year’s volunteer hour requirements after their initial training.
Indicator: MG volunteers are assisting in various Extension-approved programs.
Method: PACE—self-reported community service hours
Timeline: Ongoing; annual reporting is due May 31 annually.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: General public, seniors, garden enthusiasts
Project or Activity: Training new Master Gardener volunteers
Content or curriculum: UK MG training manual- 15-week course
Inputs: UK Extension specialists, County agents in Kenton, Boone, Campbell
Dates: Every fall/winter. Kenton hosts fall winter 2018/2019
Audience: MG volunteers
Project or Activity: Continuing education classes at Wednesday in the Garden
Content or Curriculum: Extension-produced horticultural materials
Inputs: County agent:
Date: Wednesday mornings, April through October
Audience: MG volunteers, general public
Project or Activity: Classes and demonstrations on various aspects of home horticulture
Content or Curriculum: Extension publications
Inputs: County agents, KY Extension specialists, other professionals, Northern Kentucky Master Gardener Association
Date: Ongoing
Audience: MG Volunteers
Project or Activity: Field trips, site-specific demonstrations, off-site classes
Content or Curriculum: Extension-produced materials, SD1, KDA, others
Inputs: County agent, UK Extension specialists, SD1, UK Soil & Water, KDA, USDA, Retail business owners, Northern Kentucky Master Gardener Association members
Date: Ongoing
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment