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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Discovery and Exploration of Science Engineering and TechnologyPlan of Work

Wayne County CES

Discovery and Exploration of Science Engineering and Technology
Science, Engineering and Technology
Agents Involved:
T. Humble, 4-H PA Sherry, Coffey
Science, Engineering and Technology 4-H Core Curriculum

Youth will learn scientific research techniques, responsible practices and innovative technologies that positively address science, engineering and technology issues in Kentucky and globally. Through the Land Grant University

and Extension system, 4-H can expand its impact and extend its reach in science, engineering and technology (4-H SET) by providing opportunities for hands-on scientific learning and discovery in 4-H school enrichment school groups.

Long-Term Outcomes:

-Youth will utilize the scientific method to solve problems in their

daily life

-Youth will utilize the scientific method in decision n making.

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Youth will use and apply the skills gained from 4-H science, engineering and technology.

-Youth will demonstrate and share new abilities in science, engineering

and technology with others.

-Youth will practice scientific methods learned in 4-H SET clubs.

-Teens will mentor younger 4-H’ers in science, engineering and technology.

Initial Outcomes:

-Youth will increase interest and engagement in science, engineering and


-Youth will learn new skills in science, engineering and technology .

-Youth will be Introduced careers in SET.

-Teens will participate in science, engineering and technology 4-H

programs to acquire new skills


Initial Outcome: Youth will learn new skills in SET

Indicator: Number of youth who use knowledge and skills from SET and participate in more SET activities

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020

Intermediate Outcome: Youth can independently apply SET skills learned in a classroom setting

Indicator: Number of youth who follow scientific methods when making decisions will increase

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020

Long-term Outcome: Youth will utilize the scientific method when problem solving

Indicator: Knowledge gained in decision making skills

Method: Evaluation

Timeline: July 2016 - June 2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth grades 3 - 12, volunteers, teens,

Project or Activity: KY 4-H counties conduct non-formal education learning

activities for youth and volunteers in afterschool, enrichment, 4-H clubs

and day and summer camp workshops, KY 4-H agents provide opportunities to practice learned skills through 4-H SET programs, KY counties teach youth about opportunities in science, engineering and technology related to

careers, Trained staff, volunteers, and youth support 4-H SET programs, Local 4-H clubs develop partnerships with organizations, collaborations, More county programs support SET clubs (inschool and afterschool)

Content or Curriculum: National Youth Science Day Project, Physics Zoo, Acres of Adventure Series

Inputs: KY 4-H Foundation supports county programs through SET grants, Counties apply for SET grants for software, materials, State staff for SET trains volunteers and county staff in SET programs, KY 4-H build alliances with schools, organizations and business

Date: July 2016 - June 2020


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