PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System
Success Stories
The Southern Region Teen Leadership Conference is a multi-state leadership conference that was created to bring together youth from across the southern region. ( year ...
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4-H Camp has been an integral part of Cooperative Extension Service program for over 100 years. Club members look forward to the fun and adventure of 4-H Camp. Yet, behind all the fun that 4-H Camp of...
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Trimble County is a very rural county along the Ohio River about half way in-between Louisville and Cincinnati OH. with 95% of the residents residing in Trimble County considered rural and only 5% mak...
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4-H Camp has been an integral part of Cooperative Extension Service program for over 100 years. Club members look forward to the fun and adventure of 4-H Camp. Yet, behind all the fun that 4-H Camp of...
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