PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Marsha Hagler

Program Areas

  • Family and Consumer Science

Success Stories

  • 25


    Navigating Trauma After a Natural Disaster

    Kentuckians have experienced firsthand how natural disasters can occur any time and often with little warning. Disasters take many forms, and we can feel their impacts across most areas of family life...

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  • 25


    Cooking through the Calendar

    A foundation of nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies in topics such as food safety, handling and preparation, cooking methods and techniques, feeding practices, food science, and food systems ...

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    Kids and Families Resource Fair

    The problemAs the population of Nelson County increases, so does the need for additional opportunities and support for families and children. However, during this same time our community has lost its ...

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    Mental Health First Aid

    1 in 3 adults in the United States lives with a mental illness. Mental Health First Aid, from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, is a skills-based training that teaches people how to identify,...

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