PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Kelly Woods

County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development

Program Areas

  • 4-H Youth Development

Success Stories

  • 02


    4-H Summer Care Programs

    Oldham County Public School Summer Care programs are hosted at each elementary school in the county. The summer care directors requested art and life skills programming for their summer curriculum. Ol...

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  • 02


    Culinary Arts- Member Success

    The problem:Culinary Arts continue to spark the interest of Oldham County youth, 4-H strives to offer at least three culinary sessions (6 hours each) yearly. Sessions fill up within hours of being pos...

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  • 02


    My 4-H Journey

    “4-H has significantly impacted and changed my life for the better. 4-H has enabled me to find my place in the world, build valuable relationships and connections, shaped my plans for the future and f...

    Full Story

  • 13


    Camp Magic

    Oldham County 4-H continues to break camp enrollment records with the number of campers, recruitment of new leaders and growth in club participation. In June 2023, 317 campers, 26 teen leaders and 55 ...

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