PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Joyce Doyle

Program Areas

  • 4-H Youth Development

Success Stories

  • Growing A Garden



    Growing A Garden

    When I go into the classroom and ask the students where their food comes from, 90% of the students answer Kroger or Walmart. I teach a lot of the ag lessons in my school clubs. Our District Board pu...

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  • Leadership Club with Kindergarten



    Leadership Club with Kindergarten

    Due to so many students at Kathryn Winn Primary being unkind to others, a leadership club was implemented where these students will focus on “Be Kind” and the Leadership students will discuss some ac...

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  • Where would 4-H be without Voluneers



    Where would 4-H be without Voluneers

    Where would the 4-H program be without volunteers? It would not be as successful. As we look at our 4-H program and discuss it with the Review and Release Committee, we then realize how important volu...

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  • Science is Magic and Educational



    Science is Magic and Educational

    Teaching children to follow directions sometimes is a chore, but when you use science activities, they learn quickly if they do not follow directions, the experiment will be a flop. When science is ta...

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