PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Kara Back-Campbell

Program Areas

  • Horticulture

Success Stories

  • 12


    Farmers' Market Carnival

    Describe the Issue or Situation.The Taylor County Farmers Market experiences lower customer numbers during the fall months. As produce wanes, the horticulture agent created a carnival to attract famil...

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  • 17


    Taylor County Fair 4-H Horticulture Enteries

    The Taylor County Horticulture Agent held three county fair project days for 4-Hers to create horticulture projects for the county fair. These projects consisted of hanging basket, annual container, v...

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  • 08


    4-H Entomology Club

    Last year a 4-Her requested an entomology special interest group to be created so other 4-Hers could learn about insects. In response the horticulture agent held monthly programs focusing on a diffe...

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  • 08


    Taylor County Farmers’ Market

    The Taylor County Farmers Market has previously had low vendor and customer numbers for several years. Last year there was a considerable increase in the numbers of vendors with a total of ten. This...

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