PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System
Michael Rose
County Extensin Agent for 4-H Youth Development
Success Stories
Adair County 4-H members have again proven their dedication to agricultural traditions and public speaking skills. This years 4-H Country Ham Project has not only instilled valuable life skills in the...
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For the first time, Adair County 4-H has a participant in the 4-H Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences Academy (NRESci). This three-year program is designed to teach middle—and high-school-age...
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Youth need an understanding of diversity, inclusivity, and multiculturalism in their daily life that they are not experiencing in their predominate monoracial rural communities. Percy Jackson said, “O...
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Todays youth are overwhelmed with digital information to the point they often cant see the forest for the trees. Their social lives are dominated by messaging and video games; the educational life is ...
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