PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System

 Paul Andrew

Paul Andrew Rideout

Program Areas

  • Horticulture

Success Stories

  • 25


    Henderson County Extension Community Involvement

    Extension and Community InvolvmentExtension is not just agriculture. With an office in every county, Extension is part of the county framework. Residents depend on Extension for good information, yout...

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  • 25


    AB Chandler Garden Project

    The problemLack of knowledge of where your food comes from.The educational program responseFive part program series including planting a garden and incorporating the produce into the menu.The particip...

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  • 17


    Extension Expertise: Community Development

    City Relies on Extension for ExpertiseIn 2015, the only public, 18-hole golf course shut down in Henderson, Ky. The closure left our community with 180 acres of weeds and no public golf course. Surrou...

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  • 05


    Bee Friendly; The Importance of Pollinators

    The problemPollinator declineThe educational program responsePublic Education about the importance of pollinators and what they can doThe participants/target audience8-12 year oldsOther partners (if a...

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