PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System

Sue Ann

Sue Ann McCandless

Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Education

Program Areas

  • 4-H Youth Development

Success Stories

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    Summer Camp Block Party

    In years past, camp numbers in Hardin County were not meeting state expectations. The Hardin County 4-H program continues to believe that the camp experience has several positive impacts for youth age...

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    4-H Sewing Project

    Sewing is an important life skill that is often overlooked in modern times. The pandemic brought sewing back into the lives of many as families either couldnt get out to shop for clothing or because o...

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    Ky 4-H Volunteer Forum

    Motivation and retention of volunteers is becoming increasingly important to our county program. We are a growing county with a large volume of youth and need growing numbers of volunteers to accomoda...

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    Reality Store

    Statistics and general public feedback show that many students dont have the financial knowledge and skills to make healthy financial decisions. Money management and career path development are both i...

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