PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Marian Stacy

Program Areas

  • Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program

Success Stories

  • 25


    Kingston’s “Eating Club” 2024

    Madison County adult obesity rate in 2023 was at 36%, almost parallel to Kentuckys 2023 state obesity rate of 37%. These high rates of obesity leave us to wonder if we, as adults, are failing to teach...

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    New Opportunity School for Women 2024

    Appalachia is known for its beautiful landscapes of rolling hills and rich family heritage. It is also known for its poverty-stricken communities, lack of adequate educational opportunities, violence ...

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    Cook with Cheri 2024

    Aging comes with many life changes; empty nests, retirement, loss of loved ones, or health challenges, just to name a few. And sometimes that means we must learn new ways of doing things, like cooking...

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    The Teen Center Learns to Cook 2024

    Raising a family is difficult under the most promising of circumstances. Raising children with limited resources and time bring parents and grandparents new dilemmas to each struggling familys table. ...

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