PersonKentucky Extension Reporting System


Levi Berg

Program Areas

  • Agriculture and Natural Resources

Success Stories

  • 11


    2023 Fall Fest

    Extension is the best kept secret is a phrase every extension employee has heard at one point in time. Clark County Extension decided to try and spread the news about all of the wonderful services ext...

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  • 11


    2024 Winter School

    According to the 2017 Ag Census, Clark County have over 800 farms and around $34,028,000 in agricultural sales with livestock sales equaling 55% of total sales. Also Clark county has 14,576 households...

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  • 08


    Forage Testing and Central KY Hay Contest

    Understanding a producers forage quality is the backbone of providing a balanced nutrition plan. Hay testing can provide data that producers and Cooperative Extension Agents use to ensure the nutritio...

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  • 09


    Grain Bin Entrapment Equipment and Training

    According to the 2022 Summary of U.S. Agricultural Confined Space-Related Injuries and Fatalities report completed by Purdue University, there were no fewer than 42 grain related entrapments in 2022 r...

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